How to take photos of fungi

So you're becoming interested in fungi, that's fantastic!

Here are 5 tips to taking photos of fungi I wish I had when starting out:

  • take photographs from different angles. Get close and photograph the fungus from above, the side and most importantly, from below. This will help show the different features and make it easier to identify
  • use a mirror or smartphone to get photos from below (of the gills or pores) without disturbing the fungus
  • use a flash or light to get good photos in focus. Photos from too far away, or that are blurry are hard to ID
  • take a photo of the surrounding habitat for context - was the fungi on a log, in the soil, by itself, or with others
  • most of all, have fun!

The most important thing I can suggest is getting a photo from below. Fungi can have all sorts of different structures, like gills, pores and spines. Take the example below. You would be forgiven for thinking these are the same mushroom from above, but after seeing a photo from underneath, it is easy to see they are completely different species. This is why photos from different angles can help you and others identify your photos.

Posted on January 1, 2023 04:50 AM by adrian_aus adrian_aus


Adrian thanks this is great, I will definitely do this from now , I like the mirror option.

Posted by helend12 over 1 year ago

Very helpful, thanks!

Posted by catherinegrenfell over 1 year ago

They’re great examples to illustrate your points. I love your 5th tip. Thank you!

Posted by regnans over 1 year ago

Thanks Adrian I’ll use your suggestions for photographing when I can.

Posted by bbdown 5 months ago

Good suggestions! Thanks.

Posted by dzinndzinn 4 months ago

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