Why this ID

I've been too quick to glance at a photo and think I have the right identification lately when in fact, I didn't look closely enough and got the identification incorrect. This really annoys me because most of the time, it's an obvious or just silly mistake.

So to try to avoid this in the future, I'm going to try to exert more discipline and write out in the comments why I selected the specific identification. This may force me to take a better look at the photos to pick out exactly the traits which support my identification.

This slows the process down greatly but perhaps it will improve my accuracy. (And prevent me from doing things like adding a photo of a baskettail dragonfly to an observation with a photo of a Gray-green Clubtail. Doh. Or identifying what was clearly an Eastern Pondhawk as a Great Blue Skimmer. Another doh moment.)

Onwards and upwards.

Posted on April 18, 2023 02:19 PM by amypadgett amypadgett


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