New Guide: Opisthobranchs of Baja California Peninsula

Hi Everyone,
Today is Day One of the publication of this guide, so it is likely to be sketchy and full of errors. That's where you come in @jeffgoddard @mcduck @kueda @bahia_de_loreto @claudia_jeannette @nezahualpilli @kestrel @tgosliner and anyone else with an interest! Please message me any additions/removals/unspeakable horrors you notice, and I will gladly fix it.

  • Robin
Posted on March 28, 2018 06:27 PM by anudibranchmom anudibranchmom


Much as I love them, can I ask why the Black Sea Hare appears twice in the relevant sections?

Posted by susanhewitt over 6 years ago

Because they are doubly fabulous?? Good catch Susan, thank you, I fixed it! ;-)

Posted by anudibranchmom over 6 years ago

They are indeed doubly fabulous, and can be doubly huge too! The big sweeties:)

Posted by susanhewitt over 6 years ago

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