Presentation on Identifying Wolf Spiders

Title: "Hidden" in Plain Sight
When: Tuesday, May 7 at 7 pm Texas Time
Duration: 60 minutes to allow time for questions
Presentation Deck: Hidden in Plain Sight
Recording: May 7 Session Recording

From @eaneubauer who will be presenting:

In 2020 I discovered a new wolf spider species literally in my backyard. I called it Hogna 'incognita', the disguised wolf spider, after I had explored the current named species and was convinced it didn't match any of the currently named species. Hogna 'incognita' had long been confused with Hogna antelucana first described in 1904.

Since I saw the two species daily, I was aware of their relative growth and noticed their appearances differed at every stage and many other striking differences turned up along the way.

Join us for the details on how Russell Pfau (@pfau_tarleton) joined the effort in 2023 and we determined that traditional methods for differentiating species aren't always enough...

@swissagnes, @pbynum, @textileranger, @amzapp, @annikaml, @assmann, @bacchusrock, @baxter-slye, @birdingtexan, @bosqueaaron, @brentano, @butterflies4fun, @cameralenswrangler, @centratex, @chandlerdavis, @chasingchickens, @currenfrasch, @connlindajo, @dillon_kyle, @eaneubauer, @elytrid, @franpfer, @gayle22864, @gcwarbler, @gwaithir, @ldennis, @immortalwhat, @inhat83, @isaaceastland, @jcochran706, @jeff_back, @jeffmci9, @jellyfishmambo, @jgw_atx, @joshua_tx, @karen762, @k8thegr8, @knightericm, @kimberlietx, @kucycads, @lorimalloy, @lovebirder, @lulubelle, @mammelton50, @megachile, @mpintar, @mikef451, @nanofishology, @oddfitz, @observerjosh, @pfau_tarleton, @prairie_rambler, @pufferchung, @pynklynx, @rkostecke, @reidhardin, @rymcdaniel, @sagaciousoctopus, @sambiology, @tadamcochran, @wildcarrot, @williampaulwhite17

Please let us know what date (May 7, 8, or 9) would work best for you and whether 7 pm Texas time is a good time.

Posted on April 18, 2024 02:55 PM by bacchusrock bacchusrock


Currently all 3 of those days would work for me at 7pm. This sounds fascinating!!! 🧐

Posted by observerjosh 5 months ago

Any of those days work for me.

Posted by kucycads 5 months ago

Following. Sounds interesting!

Posted by jcochran706 5 months ago

This sounds so interesting!! Will there be a recording of the presentation available for those who can't make the dates?

Posted by wildcarrot 5 months ago

May I share this presentation with our TX Master Naturalist Group (when the time and link are set)? It's ok to decline, but I know a few people would be interested in spider identification.

Posted by amzapp 5 months ago

Any of those dates work for me.

Posted by annikaml 5 months ago

I might be able to record it. I am planning to use a google meeting and I only have a basic google account. I'll investigate what options there are. Also, @eaneubauer would need to agree to a recording being made. I don't see an issue with making the link available to others. I also need to investigate whether I have a maximum participants limit in google, but I will find something that works.

Posted by bacchusrock 5 months ago

7th works best for me, but don’t schedule anything on my account… I’ll just watch the recording if need be, if a recording’s available.

Posted by inhat83 5 months ago

Definitely interested, I don't think I have anything any of those evenings.

Posted by jellyfishmambo 5 months ago

I agree to recording if it's helpful.

Posted by eaneubauer 5 months ago

I'm interested and available all 3 nights. Did I dream that Eric was going to present this at the next Master Naturalist meeting, too?

Posted by kimberlietx 5 months ago

Dreaming, I think. I'm not sure if I'm going to do anything at the annual meeting yet, and an introduction to wolf spiders including the more common genera might be useful to more people. I have done new species the presentation for the Brazos Valley chapter as well as my own so that's another option. Incidentally, the genetic results came in just hours after the Brazos Valley presentation.

Posted by eaneubauer 5 months ago

Any of those dates at 7 pm will work! Sounds great. Thanks!

Posted by lovebirder 5 months ago

As far as right now those dates and time work for me. I'm definitely interested in finding out more about them!

Posted by chandlerdavis 5 months ago

I am so excited about this! Thanks for including me! Any of those dates work for Mr and 7 pm, Texas time, works too! Can't wait!

Posted by lulubelle 5 months ago

Based on responses, I am setting the date for May 7 at 7 pm Texas time. I only have a basic google account so cannot record with it. I also don't have zoom. If anyone has a way of recording please let me know.

Posted by bacchusrock 5 months ago

Let me know if space is available to invite our TMN chapter members to the presentation. This is the El Camino Real chapter in Milam County, of which Eric is a member

Posted by connlindajo 5 months ago

My understanding is that I can host up to 100 participants on a google meet call, so it should be fine to invite the TMN chapter members.

Posted by bacchusrock 5 months ago

I plan on attending! Theres a free software called OBS that you can use to record your screen and meetings. If nothing comes up and I can make it that night then I can record a copy of the meeting!

Posted by dillon_kyle 5 months ago

Thanks @dillon_kyle Would be great to get help with the recording.

Posted by bacchusrock 5 months ago

Hey my friend Mike Quinn @entomike is giving a zoom presentation for Austin Butterfly Form. You guys should watch!

Monday, April 22nd, at 7 pm: The Greatness of the Great Plains and the Centrality of Central Texas, presented by Mike Quinn, Entomologist.

Description: We will examine the abundance, biodiversity and conservation of a wide range of taxonomic groups, from butterflies to botany to bats to birds to beetles and bugs to name a few, that reside in the central region of North America. Prominent will be the discussion of the wet/dry gradient across the continent. We will investigate relationships among predators, prey and plant diversity. Finally, we will look at the interplay of human populations and wildlife observations.

Bio: Mike is a 61 year old life long naturalist who first came to Austin in 1978. He has degrees in wildlife and entomology from Texas A&M. Mike's thesis involved an intensive quantitative study of arthropods available to golden-cheeked warblers in western Travis Co. He was a former invertebrate biologist of Texas Parks and Wildlife and is currently associated with the University of Texas Insect Collection. Mike has served on the board of the Austin Butterfly Forum for over 20 years. In addition to running, Mike is a major contributor to both BugGuide and iNaturalist.

Zoom Link

Join Zoom Meeting -- permanent link for 2024

Austin Butterfly Forum Zoom Meeting Link

Link will open at 6:30 pm central time (Dallas/Chicago) for any early birds that want to visit ahead of the presentation.

ABF presentations are open to all.

Information on joining Austin Butterfly Forum:


Link to last month's popular presentation:

Dr. C. Barry Knisley presented to the Austin Butterfly Forum on


Monday, March 25 @ 7 PM central time

Link to launch recording of last month's ABF zoom meeting


Posted by currenfrasch 5 months ago

Reminder that the call on wolf spiders is in about 2 hours.

Posted by bacchusrock 5 months ago

What platform do we view it on?

Posted by currenfrasch 5 months ago

@currenfrasch Clicking on the link near the top took me to Google Meet.

Posted by annikaml 5 months ago

Will a recording of the presentation be available?

Posted by connlindajo 5 months ago

I was not able to find a way to record the session.

Posted by bacchusrock 5 months ago

Oh no!! My work ran late, did I miss the whole thing?

Posted by wildcarrot 5 months ago

Here is the download link for the recording of @eaneubauer 's presentation from earlier today!

Posted by dillon_kyle 5 months ago

Thanks for recording the session, @dillon_kyle I have added links to the deck and the recording at the top of this journal post.

Posted by bacchusrock 5 months ago

Thanks for recording this! I so wanted to watch this, but had a mothing event at the same time.

Posted by lulubelle 5 months ago

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