Hogna 'incognita'

Hogna 'incognita' is a formally undescribed species found primarily in parts of Texas and Oklahoma. It's similar to Hogna antelucana and baltimoriana, and has been found co-mingled with those species in Texas and Oklahoma respectively. Entire known range based on iNat observations extends from a little southwest of San Antonio, TX, to the north, northeast, and then east to Memphis, TN. It appears to be best adapted to clay soils like Texas blackland and may be less active in colder temperatures than the two similar species. Links to presentation materials for Hogna 'incognita' in comparison to Hogna antelucana follow:


Slide show updated for 2024 presentation:


Only the first document has ventral series for developing antelucana and 'incognita' juveniles if you're looking for that.

Last updated 2/9/24

Posted on July 12, 2022 09:06 AM by eaneubauer eaneubauer


This is a great reference! Thank you for compiling it.

Posted by meganopteryx over 1 year ago

Fantastic, side-by-side comparisons and visual descriptions like this make it a breeze to train the eye to recognize what would otherwise be subtle details.

I've yet to come across Hogna 'incognita' in Erath County. Will keep looking.

Posted by pfau_tarleton over 1 year ago

The sole observation from Erath:
Also in Mills, but these are both apparently near the western edge of their range. Just about all the observations on iNat are juveniles since they are encountered much more often and are easy to ID at a glance. Most counties out there have few Lycosid observations, so there's no telling where the edge of the range really is.

Posted by eaneubauer over 1 year ago

Are you interested in using an observation set for 'incognita'? So they can be sorted out from the rest of them? Like this

Posted by pfau_tarleton over 1 year ago

All mine have 'incognita' in the notes section so I can filter them out easily, not that I have any reason to any more. When I look at other peoples observations to compile county level lists, I just filter to county and Hogna. Recognition is so quick I can just scan the images in tile view and pick out an obvious one.

Max Wilde started working on the species about a year or two after I did, although he's focusing on the species in Oklahoma. Hopefully he would use 'incognita' since it's a great name considering no one recognized it for the longest time. I know Laura P. had suspicions as early as 2016, but wasn't sure enough to put up page for it on BugGuide until I had done a lot of preliminary work and shared it with her. I contacted her after reading one of her comments on an iNat observation. I was just in the right place living among them with time on my hands.

Spent over an hour straightening out my Menard County Pardosa observations after concluding none were vadosa. I was pleasantly surprised I had a bunch of other Pardosa which I could now put species on as well.

Posted by eaneubauer over 1 year ago

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