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Cerambycid hunting/ collecting techniques

Interest in the southern African Cerambycid fauna has increased during the years to an extent where we have over 2200 observations representing 316 identified species. This has been achieved by observations posted by more than 210 observers. Although the bulk of the observations are attributed to 15 or so observers, many "first" observations of a species on this platform are contributions from persons that have posted 10 or less observations of Long horned Beetles. Besides the observation of different species, the growing distribution records of the species, together with flight periods is highly important to the scientific community, and any long term conservation efforts.
On the flip side, it may be interesting to note that to date, we as a community have not photographed/observed 50% of the described cerambycid species that occur in southern Africa. Further to this, more than 10 new species were described for the Southern African Region in the last two years, with a few more in the pipe line.

As a matter of interest, I stumbled over a site on the internet that explains the different insect collecting techniques, which may be of interest to others.
Note that most of these techniques can be adapted, to prevent harm to the insect.

Posted on December 30, 2018 09:16 AM by fubr fubr


I have started a project - why not discuss this further there?

Posted by tonyrebelo over 5 years ago

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