Save the Date -- City Nature Challenge April 26-April 29, 2024

Hop on the bandwagon and join those marking off April 26 to 29 to participate in the annual City Nature Challenge - a 4 day bio blitz to connect with nature and collect data on local biodiversity. The longer days and warming temperature change the behaviour of many wild creatures from Canada geese to Wood frogs. The challenge gives us an annual opportunity to show the world what spring looks like where we are.

In Manitoba there are projects set up for Brandon and for Winnipeg. Joining a City Nature Challenge near you connects you to others planning to participate. Each project has a countdown timer and the outline of the boundaries of their particular survey area. Both Manitoba projects have expanded their boundaries a little this year to include more of the nearby natural areas. Learn more about Canada's participation at or check out the global view at

Not near any of these? That's okay - join City Nature Challenge 2024: Global Project - for all those observers who would like to contribute but are in Thompson or Churchill; Riding Mountain National Park or the Whiteshell, Pinawa or Emerson - or anywhere at all on earth not included in one of the established CNC survey areas on the four days in question.

Happy first day of spring!

Posted on March 19, 2024 05:01 PM by marykrieger marykrieger


What a brilliant posting Mary! We will likewise try to write something to encourage the reaches of our province for residents of Saskatchewan. Great inspiration. Julia

Posted by saskatoonafforest... 6 months ago

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