Meetup/Bioblitz - 9 am | September 11 | Andorra Meadow

Hey everyone,

I'm thinking of having a meetup/bioblitz on September 11th at 9 am at Andorra Meadow. Mostly a fun event where we can get to know each other and also see what birds, insects, plants, and other wildlife we can find. We might hang out for about 3 hours, but stay as long as you can/want. Let me know if you plan to come in case I need to reschedule due to bad weather and you want to be alerted. Otherwise, feel free to just show up. Also, please tag any other iNatters in the area who might be interested.

Posted on August 22, 2022 12:13 PM by navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar


I am planning to attend.

Posted by johnnysap about 2 years ago

Sounds super fun! Thanks for the invite - I should be able to make it. Looking forward to explore with you all.

Posted by conboy about 2 years ago

Excellent! Glad to hear that everyone. I don't know why we didn't do this sooner.

Posted by navin_sasikumar about 2 years ago

Thanks for the invite! Sounds like fun, but unfortunately I'll be out of town that weekend.

Posted by robm2 about 2 years ago

Thanks so much for the invite and I should be able to come and will let you know.

Posted by zepchick about 2 years ago

I may have a conflict that day but I will see if I can try and make it. Thanks for setting this up @navin_sasikumar !

Posted by bughaven about 2 years ago

Fingers crossed!

Posted by navin_sasikumar about 2 years ago

This sounds like fun, but I don't think I'll be able to be there. Recovering from major surgery and still not able to do much. I'll contribute by identifying--I can do that right from my couch. Thanks for thinking of me and I hope everyone has a great time.

Posted by kdstutzman about 2 years ago

@kdstutzman Hope you heal fast! If this goes well, we might have more in the future and hopefully, you can attend those.

Posted by navin_sasikumar about 2 years ago

Great idea Navin, I plan to come. Where will we meet?

Posted by dougwechsler about 2 years ago

Excellent! Glad to hear that, @dougwechsler! I think it makes sense to meet at the Andorra Upper Lot. We can then make our way to the meadow from there.

Posted by navin_sasikumar about 2 years ago

It's an "umbrella" project I set up a while ago, so observations collected during this bioblitz will automatically be harvested, but feel free to join at

Posted by annebekker about 2 years ago

Looks like there is now a chance of rain on Sunday. Barring heavy rain, I think we can still proceed as planned even if it's not ideal iNatting conditions.

Posted by navin_sasikumar about 2 years ago

I appreciate the invite, but unfortunately I can't make it this time.

Posted by brennafarrell about 2 years ago

It turns out I can’t make it due to work, but I would love to join next time. Have fun!

Posted by zepchick about 2 years ago

Was hoping to make it today but now (no car, possible rain) deciding to stay in. Hope you will invite me to the next one @navin_sasikumar !

Posted by mattparr about 2 years ago

Except for John Heinz NWR, I don't get into Philly very often. But thank you for the invite. Hope the rain didn't deter others today.

Posted by bugsandbirds about 2 years ago

A big thank you to everyone who came out in the pouring rain yesterday. I didn't expect 20 odd people to show up even in good conditions, but to have that many people turn up with the weather we had yesterday was a special treat. And despite the wet conditions, I think we saw some good stuff. But best of all was being out in the field and learning from all of you. And we'll definitely do this again and hopefully, those of you who missed it this time can make it to the next one.

(Tagging everyone whose iNat usernames I know/remember and so sorry if I missed anyone)
@conboy @dougwechsler @annebekker @jenovak @ischramm @jameshoughton @allisonrhoughton @johnnysap @laurenhallden @that_hippie_chick @jawnattenborough @tb_wildlife_photography @linda142

One thing I wanted to mention yesterday, but completely forgot is that we have a Naturalists Telegram group. Please DM me if you want a link to join.

Posted by navin_sasikumar about 2 years ago

I had a lot of fun learning from you all - I ended up with 34 new life list firsts! Thank you all for sharing your expertise, and thanks again for organizing, @navin_sasikumar!

Posted by conboy about 2 years ago

@conboy Yay! 34 new lifers on a day like yesterday is very exciting!

Posted by navin_sasikumar about 2 years ago

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