Butterfly observation 04.02.2024 Sinhagad valley Pune MH India

Butterfly observation 04.02.2024
Sinhagad valley Pune MH India

Pavan Damoor


Timing: 9:30 am to 1:30 pm

As we have visited Tamhini plenty of times so decided to change our location 😁 so this Sunday I planned to visit Sinhagad valley Pune which is very much near to my home. And with past experiences and observation I knew that the butterfly mud puddling activity must have already begun at the valley and it was the same.

This time I am sharing the list of butterflies sightings in a different format, it's a half hour count (scientific data method)

I started my butterfly walk from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm so a total of 8 counts in 4 hours.

Sharing the list of butterflies observed at Sinhagad valley

Also my special sighting of day is mentioned in the last so stay tuned ☺️

1st count - 9:30am to 10:00 am - 5 species

  1. Common evening brown - (roosting) broken wings
  2. Common Sailer - puddling
  3. Glassy tiger - puddling
  4. Red line small grass yellow - Roosting
  5. Common evening brown - roosting
  6. Common Grass yellow - Roosting

2nd Count - 10 am to 10:30 am - 9 species

  1. Daniad eggfly (male) - puddling
  2. Common Map - puddling
  3. Common fivering - roosting
  4. Common Pierrot - nectaring
  5. Common Bush brown - roosting
  6. Common Sailer - basking
  7. Indian Cupid - basking
  8. Tiny grass blue - nectaring
  9. Lemon pansy - basking

3rd count - 10:30 am to 11:00 pm
10 species

  1. Common Jezebel - nectaring on lantana flowers
  2. Common Sailer - puddling
  3. Chocolate pansy - puddling
  4. Pea blue - puddling
  5. Common silverline - basking
  6. Blue tiger - puddling
  7. Lemon pansy - puddling
  8. Blue pansy - basking
  9. Grass demon - basking/ sapping on bird dropping
  10. Forget-me-not - puddling

4th count - 11:00 am to 11:30 am
10 species

  1. Indian Red flash - puddling
  2. Indian Nawab - basking/ puddling
  3. Pointed Ciliate blue - basking/ cleaning its Probosics with its legs
  4. Peacock pansy - basking
  5. Blue pansy - basking
  6. Lemon pansy - basking
  7. Yellow pansy - basking
  8. Chocolate pansy - puddling
  9. Common threering - puddling
  10. Pea blue - group puddling

5th count - 11:30 am to 12 pm
10 species

  1. Grey pansy - basking
  2. Lemon emigrant - male and female puddling
  3. Vindhyan Bob - puddling
  4. Indian Nawab - puddling
  5. Grass demon - sapping on bird dropping
  6. Daniad eggfly male - puddling
  7. Great eggfly female - puddling
  8. Double banded judy - puddling
  9. Pointed Ciliate blue - puddling
  10. Mottled emigrant - puddling
  11. Tiny grass blue - puddling

6th count - 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
9 species

  1. Common line blue - puddling
  2. Lemon pansy - basking
  3. Spotless grass yellow - nectar
  4. Common Sailer - basking
  5. Common Pierrot - basking
  6. Zebra blue - nectaring
  7. Dark grass blue - nectaring
  8. Mottled emigrant - nectaring
  9. Striped tiger - flight

7th count - 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm
10 species

  1. Common leopard - nectaring
  2. Blue tiger - nectaring
  3. Common Sailer - basking
  4. Lime swallowtail - nectaring
  5. Dark palm dart - nectaring
  6. Indian wanderer - nectaring
  7. Spotless grass yellow - nectar
  8. Common grass yellow - nectar
  9. Indian Cupid - nectaring
  10. Vindhyan Bob - nectaring
  11. Common Palmfly - flight

8th count - 1 pm to 1:30 pm
10 species

  1. Painted lady - nectaring (most widely distributed butterfly in the world. It is found everywhere except the Arctic and Antarctic regions)
  2. Indian Cupid - puddling
  3. Spotless grass yellow - puddling
  4. Pea blue - nectaring
  5. Painted lady - roosting

It was getting hotter so I decided to pack up and leave for home. Had kept my camera in my sack too 😞
At that time around 1:45 pm I got to observe a very special sighting even though I couldn't click a photo of the beauty, but it made my day more beautiful 🤩

Malabar Banded Peacock 🦋 (Endemic to Western Ghats)
Special sighting for valley

Today's total species count - 45

Family count

  1. Skippers - 3
  2. Blue's - 11
  3. Metal marks - 1
  4. Brush footed - 21
  5. White & Yellow - 7
  6. Swallowtail - 2

Activity count - 72

  1. Puddling - 26
  2. Nectaring - 18
  3. Basking - 17
  4. Roosting - 7
  5. Sapping - 1
  6. Flight - 3

Species seen couple of times - 27

  1. Blue pansy - 1
  2. Blue tiger - 1
  3. Chocolate pansy - 1
  4. Common evening brown - 1
  5. Common grass yellow - 1
  6. Common Pierrot - 1
  7. Common Sailer - 4
  8. Daniad eggfly - 1
  9. Grass demon - 1
  10. Indian Cupid - 2
  11. Indian Nawab - 1
  12. Lemon pansy - 3
  13. Mottled emigrant - 1
  14. Painted lady - 1
  15. Pea blue - 2
  16. Pointed Ciliate blue - 1
  17. Spotless grass yellow - 2
  18. Tiny grass blue - 1
  19. Vindhyan Bob - 1

ie, 72 Less 27 = 45 Species count

Apart from butterflies observed plenty of birds & Bees/ wasp

Birds - House sparrow, Jungle crow, Wabbler/ babbler, Flame backed woodpecker, Verditer flycatcher,
Monarch, Red whiskered/ vented bulbul, Yellow throated sparrow,
Black drongo, Shikra, Crested Serpent Eagle, Laughing dove

Langoor & Wild Boar

Will share the photos shortly

Happy Butterflying to all.... 🦋🦋

Posted on February 4, 2024 01:19 PM by pavandamoor pavandamoor


Amazing! Fascinating diversity and details of observations!

Posted by gs5 8 months ago

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