3rd Butterfly Walk arranged at Sinhagad valley Pune district on 15.09.2024

Celebrating Big Butterfly Month September 2024

3rd Butterfly Walk arranged at Sinhagad valley Pune district on 15.09.2024
Timings: 9:00 am to 01:30 pm
Weather conditions: cloudy, showers, partly sunny
Wind 10 kph
Temperature: 20 to 23 degrees

Pavan Damoor
Dattatray Langi
Dev choudhary
Ameya Gangurde
Rajendra Dharashivkar
Murli Krishnan & partner
Prajakta & Pankaj Kulkarni
Kushal Damoor

Sharing list of butterflies observed during the walk

Family: Hesperidae (skipper)

  1. Small Branded Swift
  2. Common Banded Awl
  3. Grass Demon
  4. Malabar spotted flat
  5. Vindhyan Bob
  6. Chestnut Bob
  7. Oriental straight swift
  8. Rice Swift

Family: Lycaenidae

  1. Common Pierrot
  2. Common Hedge blue
  3. Malayan
  4. Common line blue
  5. Tailless line blue
  6. Zebra blue

Family: Nymphalidae

  1. Great eggfly female
  2. Common Three Ring
  3. Common five ring
  4. Bushbrown sp
  5. Glassy tiger
  6. Common crow
  7. Common castor
  8. Common leopard
  9. Nawab sp
  10. Common Baron
  11. Sahyadri blue oak leaf
  12. Rustic
  13. Common Map
  14. Chocolate Pansy
  15. Peacock Pansy

Family: Pieridae

  1. Common grass yellow
  2. Small grass yellow
  3. Lemon emigrant
  4. Indian Jezebel

Family: Papillondae

  1. Blue Mormon
  2. Common Mormon

Catterpillar of following species
Common Castor
Grass yellow
Grass Demon
Common crow
Common Banded Awl

Sinhagad valley - located on the base of Sinhagad Fort is a very good Habitat for Birds butterflies mamals reptiles and other insects. The habitat consists of forest, scrubland and farmland. Currently as it is monsoon season Paddy fields are in full swing due to which activity of skippers was seen in abundance. Grass yellow was also seen in abundance as there LHP Takla which is seen everywhere and plenty of egg laying activity.

Overall a good day today. Cloudy and Partly sunny weather with Little bit of showers in between gave a boom to butterfly activity during peak hours.
Observed mud puddling activity of line blue's and grass yellows.

Surprisingly there was no record of lemon Pansy, sailors, grass blues.
Will share the photos shortly.
Happy Butterflying to all....

Posted on September 15, 2024 10:31 AM by pavandamoor pavandamoor


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