Sea turtle true in INat.

Hola espero que se encuentren muy bien. (English below)

Desde que llegué a INaturalist he estado agradecido por esta red, que me ha permitido aprender y actualizarme en algunos taxones de mi interés y aportar mis conocimientos en los taxones de los que soy experto.
Quería comentarles, que una de las principales razones por la que estoy aquí en INat es que los registros de tortugas marinas puedan ser utilizados para apoyar su conservación y otras áreas del conocimiento de estas especies.
Sin embargo, he conseguido muchos errores en estos récords, empezando por lo más básico como la identificación, y una lista larga adicional.
Por esto he decidido ir haciendo y corrigiendo las ID solo en base a las evidencias visibles que definen las especies y evitar identificar por apreciación libre.
Es claro que todos podemos cometer un error, es bueno estar dispuestos a escuchar, hacer preguntas y dar respuestas para aclarar dudas. Yo lo estoy.
Por todo esto me atrevo a pedir su ayuda y paciencia.

Saludos y gracias.

Hello I hope you are very well.

Since I came to INaturalist I have been grateful for this network, which has allowed me to learn and update myself on some taxa of my interest and contribute my knowledge in the taxa of which I am an expert.
I wanted to tell you that one of the main reasons why I am here at INat is that sea turtle records can be used to support their conservation and other areas of knowledge of these species.
However, I have gotten a lot of errors in these records, starting with the most basic like identification, and an additional long list.
For this reason I have decided to go on making and correcting the IDs only based on the visible evidences that define the species and avoid identifying by free appreciation.
It is clear that we can all make a mistake, it is good to be willing to listen, ask questions and give answers to clarify doubts. I am.
For all this I dare to ask for your help and patience.

Greetings and thanks.
(I apologize for the English, I used the Google translator)

@opuntia24 @cuora1 @rafael_gianni @fadiyaghmour @groverbrown @mc1991 @willij9 @johngsalamander @peywey @loarie @turtlewomyn @tom-kirschey-nabu @tysmith

Posted on November 24, 2020 07:07 PM by pedrovernet pedrovernet


Hola. There are several groups in which misidentified records are abundant. Everybody is doing mistakes. But an attempt to improve results is much appreciated. Please go on. Best wishes, Tom

Posted by tom-kirschey almost 4 years ago

Gracias Tom @tom-kirschey-nabu .

Posted by pedrovernet almost 4 years ago

¡Excelente nota @pedrovernet !, trabajando en equipo como lo estamos haciendo se pueden lograr grandes avances. Abrazos.

Posted by rafael_gianni almost 4 years ago

Así es @rafael_gianni.

Posted by pedrovernet almost 4 years ago

There does often seem to be confusion or conflict over the correct ID on certain observations. Any effort to remedy this issue with better communication and understanding will make a big difference. I'm all for improving past IDs as well as makingbsure future IDs have fewer errors.

Posted by peywey almost 4 years ago

Hello Taylor @peywey, it is everyone's job that would greatly improve the quality of INat's information.
Thanks for your comment.
Best wishes.

Posted by pedrovernet almost 4 years ago

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