Documenting nature on our small farm near Kaukapakapa

It is nearly the third anniversary of coming to our small farm near Kaukapakapa. I was introduced to Nature Watch during the Great Kereru Observation week at a course I was then taking on the topic of 'Sustainable Agriculture' and was immediately hooked.

My first 'Research Grade' observation was on Sep 24, 2015 · 11:30 AM NZST, posted the following evening, and thereafter I have striven to achieve that standard though I sometimes fall short of it, especially when it comes to insects and plants/trees.

I've done a blog post on my personal blog so I won't attempt to repeat it here but simply give a reference : --

Nature Watching at Kaukapakapa

Posted on March 19, 2018 10:26 AM by pgtips91 pgtips91


Photos / Sounds


Kererū (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae)




September 24, 2015 11:30 AM NZST


While being given a guided tour of the Kaipara Coast Plant Center by its founder, David Bayly, we observed up to three Kereru, a pair and an individual. David said that there are now three individuals that frequent the gardens, orchard and native plantings he has established there. the third bird was added this year and is probably the progeny of the original pair.


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