Closing in on the National Park centennial, weird luck

I heard from @carrieseltzer (National Geographic Society) that the 25th of this month is the official NPS centennial to the day. The goal is to total 100K observations by this day. I was heading down to the panhandle of Florida to work on a project that EOL (and partners) are conducting - The Okaloosa SCIENCE Community Project. I stopped midway through Alabama and turned around for the Great Smoky Mountains NP.


So, here I am, at Purchase Knob, the research station for this side of the park. Somehow I just happened to end up specifically at this place that is a relatively new addition to the park and isn't yet in the kml shape file. I blitzed out all day yesterday before getting the info late last night in the middle of a grueling, bad wifi signal uploading session.

As it turns out, @forester93, the data ranger for NPS told me that the new shape file should be uploaded today. Wow, thanks Simon!

Anywho, I'll be adding as many observations as I can over the next week to try to help the process along. We're gonna make it to 100K!

I love being part of this incredible community!

Posted on August 15, 2016 02:34 PM by reallifeecology reallifeecology


Hey JC. Glad you're part of our Smokies family of partners! Hope your time goes well in Okaloosa!

Posted by chuck522 about 8 years ago

You rock, @reallifeecology ! 97,444 this morning. I'm sure once we update the boundary, we'll be right on top of 100K, if not over.

@geobudde sent boundary updates (Acadia NP, Great Smoky Mountains NP, and Lewis & Clark NHT?) to @loarie yesterday, so they should be in Scott's queue.

Posted by forester93 about 8 years ago

Very exciting! Great work, JC! I'm excited to see the number jump after the boundary updates.

Posted by carrieseltzer about 8 years ago

Regretfully, I have limited wifi and cell signals up here. I am only able to upload about 10 obs at a time - the most patience-challenging part of a life on the road. Oh well, I'll keep plugging away.

Posted by reallifeecology about 8 years ago

JC - good luck out there! I'll be in Okaloosa on Sunday, will be sure to get to Gulf Islands while I'm there to contribute to the cause! Maybe I'll see you out there!

Posted by alorenz about 8 years ago

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