Useful Links for Searching Japanese Arthropods (especially spiders and insects)

The number of Japanese iNat users is still small, and sometimes taxa that are obviously not distributed in Japan have been suggested. So, for non-Japanese speakers, I will provide links to websites that are useful when searching Japanese arthropods.

Some of these websites are created by experts, while others are created by people who photograph insects as a hobby. Since there is a huge difference in reliability, we need to find out that reliability is high enough or not. There are many sites with high Google search rankings that are unreliable because their purpose is to generate advertising revenue and their content is thin. I avoided to select these low quality sites. In general, the broader the taxonomic group covered, the more likely there will be mistakes.

Please note that the names of the websites are my translations and not the official ones. If you know of any other useful websites, please let me know!

Last but not least, please visit my website! It covers a wide range of whole animals (but few species).

小さな隣人たちの世界 [Small Neighbors' World]

Posted on May 3, 2021 01:37 AM by sable sable


Amazing. I use a lot of books in my research, but not everything I find in books. Now I am sure that future observations will be cataloged correctly. Thank You.

Posted by alinehorikawa over 3 years ago

This is great! Thank you @sable

I have been using this site for dragonflies for a couple of years: Odonata of Kobe

Recently I stumbled onto another dragonfly site:

What do you think of these?

Posted by faerout over 3 years ago

Thanks for the comment!

@faerout I often refer to those two as well. I think there is probably no mistake in the identification of either of them. The former is more specialized, but the latter has more photos and you can see dragonflies from different angles.
I also recommend my friend's blog(

Japanese dragonflies have been well studied and wonderfully guides (e.g. are available, so there are few mistakes. For more detailed distribution and recent research, you may want to refer to the books mentioned above.

Posted by sable over 3 years ago

Thank you. I haven't yet bought a book for dragonflies in Japan yet as it is a lot easier for me to read Japanese on a computer. I'm sure the book photos are great, but it's quite time consuming to try to read through the technically specialized language of insect identification even in my native language. I'm a beginner. Maybe someday there will be a quality English guide to dragonflies of Japan.

Posted by faerout over 3 years ago

Come to think of it, there are a lot of guides or catalogues out there in Japan, but I haven't heard of any being translated into English (maybe I'm just ignorant). "Dragonflies of Japan" is a specialized book that can also be used by researchers, but it is fun to just look at the beautiful photos.
I've also added Yagopedia. The "ヤゴ図鑑" page is breathtaking.

Posted by sable over 3 years ago

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