September is National Pollinator Month!⠀
Parks for Pollinators is a national campaign to raise awareness and community involvement in the pollinator crisis through local parks and recreation.⠀

Throughout the month of September, the City of Sarasota Parks and Recreation District will be posting exciting facts and photographs that highlight our local pollinators and pollinator-friendly plants. "Bee" sure to follow us on social media!⠀

The City of Sarasota Parks and Recreation District is excited to announce their very first Parks for Pollinators BioBlitz Contest!⠀

Let's see how many pollinator species can be documented, this September, inside the City of Sarasota Parks!⠀

With the iNaturalist app, you just take a picture of a pollinator (bee, butterfly, bat, etc.) or pollinator-friendly plant, and the community will help identify the species.⠀

You can participate by exploring the nature and wildlife in any of the City of Sarasota Parks. For the Parks for Pollinator BioBlitz, please include: Butterflies, Moths, Ants, Bees, Wasps, Sawflies, Flies, Bats, Beetles, Hummingbirds and Pollinator-Friendly Flowering Plants. Only these observations will count during our event.⠀

Download the iNaturalist app.⠀

Once your signed-up find the BioBlitz titled Parks for Pollinators 2020: City of Sarasota Parks and Rec District and start the event!⠀

Winners will be announced Thursday, October 1, 2020! Prizes Coming Soon!⠀

Parks4Pollinators #LetsPlaySarasota #NationalPollinatorMonth #pollinators #Butterflies #Moths #Ants #Bees #Wasps #Sawflies #Flies #Bats #Beetles #Hummingbirds

Posted on September 30, 2020 01:39 PM by sarasotaprd sarasotaprd


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