San Luis Obispo?

I'm thinking of coordinating a trip to San Luis Obispo in the near future (before the end of the month, maybe even this weekend). Anyone interested in a meetup? I'm mostly intending to focus on plants while here, both around SLO and closer to Morro Bay. I have some itineraries in mind that target specific species, but company is welcome.

Posted on June 11, 2019 03:57 PM by silversea_starsong silversea_starsong


Tagging @garmonb0zia @kylenessen since you are both prominent in this area.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 5 years ago

Hi James,

A meetup sounds fun! This coming weekend is problematic for me (and possibly you) as Cal Poly has its graduation ceremony. I have social obligations and the whole area will generally be flooded with visitors.

If you wanted to get together the following weekend, that would work out much better for me. There are a lot of endemic manzanitas to the county around Morro Bay that would be fun to check out.

@garmonb0zia, would love to botanize with you as well!


Posted by kylenessen over 5 years ago

That sounds fun. I'm going backpacking in Big Sur, this weekend, however. Next week I'm in a work training in Roseville. Thanks, just thought I would say hello.


Posted by leafybye over 5 years ago

I will be back Sunday June 23, if you're around. There are many plants around the city of SLO, but also many in other parts of the county. For example, the La Panza Mariposa Lily, Calochortus simulans is found on certain trails and roads in the Los Padres National Forest.

Hi Kyle, if we miss James, it still would be nice to meet up with a few other folks who like plants around SLO. I'm interested in learning the local Manzanita better also.

@dkincmbria Posts a lot of plants on the northern San Luis Obispo coast. Check out his observations.

Posted by leafybye over 5 years ago

One more comment:
You have one of the most prolific accounts in this area, I always appreciate your photos also.
@flygrl67 Is a great local observer too!
Michelle, you are very good with local mushrooms, and plants also. I see you have been all over the county.

@silversea_starsong These are the folks I know of who are knowledgeable and prolific observers in the SLO area.

Posted by leafybye over 5 years ago

I will be gone camping around Pescadero this weekend so I can't participate but there is a great field trip happening Saturday north of San Simeon. Here's a link to the event. Leif, you might be interested, too, if it fits into your schedule. Doc Miller is co-leading it and he is an expert in the flora of this area. I checked out the area last weekend and the flowers are still abundant. Dave Krause

Posted by dkincmbria over 5 years ago

Hi, I'm up for a meetup whenever it fits in my schedule (which is both flexible and irregular). I prefer going to trails and places off the beaten path. If it's not a scorcher of a day I love making a big semi-loop on the Rinconada trail and Hi Mountain Lookout Road (trailhead on the way out to Pozo off West Pozo Road), and also Hi Valley (in between Lopez Lake and Pozo off Hi Mountain Road). If it's a hot day I prefer the coast, north of San Simeon and my neighborhood in Avila Beach (just inland about a mile in a coastal canyon and on a ridge). I haven't been out to Oso Flaco Lake & the trail there through the dunes in years, but when I did do that a few times it was always really interesting. Ditto for Montana de Oro.

Posted by torres-grant over 5 years ago

Oh yes, I forgot to mention Cerro Alto is a nice trail (and a big climb with an amazing view). That's off Highway 41 in between Morro Bay and Atascadero. Of the above trails I mentioned Clarkias and Mariposa Lilies (different species depending on the trail) are still blooming, but for how much longer I don't know.

Posted by torres-grant over 5 years ago

Thanks Dave! I am a member, but I must not get the emails. That sounds like a great event, but I'm not sure if I can make it. Yes, I saw you posted some good north SLO coast observations lately. I think generally Asteraceae are later bloomers, and certain Lilies. Lilium pardalinum should be flowering now or soon. I've never found it around SLO, but it is supposed to be somewhere in the Irish Hills open space. West Cuesta area has the Woolly Bluecurls, and Slender Sunflower flowering, but it gets hot up there. Some shrub habit Lupines are flowering. Certain Calochortus species are flowering also.

Posted by leafybye over 5 years ago

My schedule is pretty easy, I just work nights after 7. If y'all can figure something out I will most probably be down! If there's still significant blooms happening I'd be interested to know where, btw!

Posted by arheyman01 over 5 years ago

@leafybye I know where there's a few Leopard Lilies near Cuesta, can confirm those are not blooming yet but a couple are budding.

Posted by arheyman01 over 5 years ago

It looks like I will going this weekend, returning Tuesday morning. There is a CNPS trip on Saturday, and then the other days will be for hiking Irish Hills and Morro Bay. Should be fun. Right now the only place I can't get to is Montaña de Oro State Park, as no bus seems to go there. So if anyone wants to meet for that, let me know. I don't intend to cover much distance hiking, think "botany pace"!

Posted by silversea_starsong over 5 years ago

@kylenessen if you have any availability between tomorrow afternoon and Monday evening to run me up to your Calochortus simulans that you saw recently (, let me know. I'd be happy to pay for gas. It doesn't need to be a full field day -- can just target the plant and finish on that note.

That applies to anyone else as well who is available, and in the city of SLO vicinity.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 5 years ago

@silversea_starsong I see C. simulans on the Rinconada trail (as well as in Hi Valley). I was at Rinconada 16 days ago, and there were a lot blooming not far from the trailhead, but I have no idea if they are finished blooming. I don't know if I can meet up since you're going to the CNPS field trip on the north coast Saturday, Father's Day is Sunday, and I already have an appointment Monday..... It's possible I can meet up later in the afternoon Monday or Tuesday morning if you're not in a hurry to get on the road. If you decide to go on your own just follow the trail on the south side of the parking lot and keep following it. If they're blooming you will see them not far down the trail.

Posted by torres-grant over 5 years ago

@flygrl67 Apparently the CNPS trip is only 3 hours, so if you are available later on Saturday, that could work too. I may also ask the participants if anyone is interested. Unfortunately I can't drive, which is why I'm reliant on a lift for this plant.

Tuesday I leave too afternoon Monday is fine.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 5 years ago

@silversea_starsong Any other species you're going for? I agree that C. simulans should be easy to find if it's still flowering. There's a lot of serpentine in that area but most of the annuals are done I think...

Posted by arheyman01 over 5 years ago

@garmonb0zia I should get all my other target species on my own time, besides four species. Two manzanitas (A. pechoensis, Montaña de Oro, and A. luciana in the vicinity of Calochortus simulans), Calochortus simulans itself, and Poa diaboli (Montaña de Oro).

Posted by silversea_starsong over 5 years ago

@silversea_starsong Wow, I like your ambition. Poa diaboli is certainly rare. I would like to learn Poacea myself, but I haven't studied it. PG&E used to have Monday hikes to Rattlesnake Canyon out of Port San Luis, but I don't see anything right now. That gets you into that area. Come back around perhaps. :) Right now, I'm only seeing the Saturday Pecho Coast hikes. Of course this is the southern section. The northern part you just walk in from Montana de Oro.

Posted by leafybye over 5 years ago

My friend said there is a bus that gets you close to the entrance of MDO (Montana de Oro), and you could easily hitch the rest of the way. Friendly and safe, I would say.

Posted by leafybye over 5 years ago

I was able to meet up with Dave Keil yesterday afternoon. A very productive field session. There were no Calochortus at the Rinaconda Trail but there were some still around the actual parking lot itself.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 5 years ago

Dave has doubts Poa diaboli is still around but I think I can get to the site at least. Will see how much time I have. Irish Hills today.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 5 years ago

The "Bog Thistle" side of Irish Hills Natural Reserve of Perfumo Canyon Road is interesting. Which part did you end up exploring?

Posted by torres-grant over 5 years ago

I was around the serpentine off Neil Havilk Trail. Tomorrow is the CNPS trip. Sunday I think I’ll do the eastern Irish Hills. Morro Bay on Monday.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 5 years ago

Wow, Dave Keil is the local expert, I would say! How fortunate! Unfortunate if Poa diaboli is gone.

Posted by leafybye over 5 years ago

Still growing this year, or extinct?

Posted by leafybye over 5 years ago

sorry to miss you @silversea_starsong. Got swept up in the weekend and am now just checking this. Glad you got to connect with Dave! Maybe we can meet up next time.

Posted by kylenessen over 5 years ago

@silversea_starsong I'm so happy you had a productive time. I saw your journal post because I started following you awhile back. You, of course, post many great photos and interesting species. Of course, all wildlife is amazing. Happy trails.

Posted by leafybye over 5 years ago

Definitely a good trip. I had about 20-30 targets and hit them all, minus the obscure Poa which I don’t believe I found.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 5 years ago

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