Bay Area Visit 2

Funnily enough, my last journal was on this very topic. Wow, that was really 4 years ago!

And as it happens, just like last time, things are very last minute. Guess what? I just found out today that I'm probably going to the Bay Area...drum roll please...tomorrow!

I will be around until the 19th June, and my goal is generally to catch up with all the goodies that the Bay Area has to offer. I've barely scratched the surface and there's many areas like Marin (including Pt. Reyes), Mt. Diablo, and all those regions that I've never been to at all. Generally, I try and get around with public transport as I will not have a vehicle during this time. However, obviously cars are a lot more convenient and I greatly enjoy sharing my passion and energy for iNaturalist with like-minded folks, so I'm hoping some of y'all have open schedules and interest lining up with this time period.

Currently I don't know where I'll be as a base, somewhere between San Fran and San Jose, probably wherever the cheapest or second cheapest motel is located (unless anyone has a spare guest room available, to which I'd owe you big time).

For now I'm tagging people I know have been in the Bay Area recently. Some of you might only be there on holiday, apologies if so, I'm not aware of where everyone lives at this time. But feel free to tag anyone else you know might be interested.
@chilipossum @merav @truthseqr @sea-kangaroo @graysquirrel @anudibranchmom @lorri-gong @garth_harwood @catchang @kueda @tiwane @damontighe @dgreenberger @onyxrat @kestrel @robberfly

Regardless, it oughta be a lot of fun. I look forward to seeing the bounties and marvels of that distant world up north!

Posted on June 14, 2023 07:55 PM by silversea_starsong silversea_starsong


James! What took you so long to post another journal entry?!? Don't you care about your fans?!? ;)

Been LOVING all of your iNat posts from around the world!

Posted by sambiology over 1 year ago

I'd be happy to show you around some of the Marin County locales! We're based in San Rafael, but go out to Pt Reyes quite often.

@gyrrlfalcon isn't going to be local for very much longer, but you two may be able to overlap as well.

Posted by graysquirrel over 1 year ago

Incidentally, if anyone knows where I can deposit herbarium specimens, please let me know. I'm intending to voucher a couple of new-for-US plants on this trip that I'm aware of in the Bay Area. Last time I was foiled by not being able to find a herbarium open to "casual" collections from non-students.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 1 year ago

I'm having a big birthday bioblitz bash on June 18th at Long Ridge OSP - if you are interested. We will also make a detour for the Unsilvered Fritillary!

Posted by gyrrlfalcon over 1 year ago

@gyrrlfalcon definitely interested! That would be a cool butterfly to see, too.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 1 year ago

Regarding where to deposit herbarium specimens, you might try UC DAVIS CENTER FOR PLANT DIVERSITY, Ellen Dean, Curator. I had luck submitting a Fumaria muralis specimen there in 2018.
My usual stomping grounds are in the South Bay. It sounds like you're more interested in North Bay locations.
Happy Birthday, @gyrrlfalcon!

Posted by truthseqr over 1 year ago

@truthseqr I just shuffled from south bay to the north bay yesterday and plan to collect some Geraniaceae. You’re welcome to join!

Posted by silversea_starsong over 1 year ago

@silversea_starsong, thanks for the invitation, but I have grandma duty. While you're out adventuring, if you find any Fumaria bastardii or F. agraria, could you please voucher those as well? Happy iNatting!

Posted by truthseqr over 1 year ago

If you are in the north bay, a good place to go is Mt. Tamalpais. Wonderful view of the bay. From the road to Mt. Tamalpais (Panoramic Highway) you can hike down into Muir Woods.

Posted by onyxrat over 1 year ago

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