Mothing at Goat Island Preserve [Cancelled]

Hi All. Due to all the rain and more in the forecast for tomorrow, I've cancelled this get-together. Thank you for your interest. Hopefully, we'll reschedule some mothing for this place during moth week or earlier!

@annikaml @kimberlietx @cgritz @brentano @tadamcochran @wildcarrot @catenatus @walkingstick2 @galactic_bug_man @tfandre @cameralenswrangler @butterflies4fun @k8thegr8 @melissa_duron @oddfitz @sehnature @charley @rehb @kathrynwells333 @valt @betsymarsh @briangooding @jwn @donovanmoxley @baxter-slye @sambiology

Posted on April 23, 2021 04:25 PM by tadamcochran tadamcochran


I don't think I have anything going on for the 1st yet, so I'm adding it to my calendar! Thanks Adam!! :)

Posted by wildcarrot over 3 years ago

I'm coming! Bringing one setup.

Posted by annikaml over 3 years ago

I'll be there with about 6 stations!

Posted by sambiology over 3 years ago

I'll be bringing a station.

Posted by tadamcochran over 3 years ago

Thanks, Adam, for including me! I'd love to come, if I can.

Posted by kathrynwells333 over 3 years ago

Absolutely want to come. But I would either have to come very late or not. Oldest has prom that night. So I have to be home to see her off. Then it would be about 45 minute drive over. So I'll have to think on it and get back with you.

Posted by brentano over 3 years ago

@brentano If you want to come late, that's totally ok. You may need to call me or Sam or Annika to let someone know you've arrived. Then I can come get you and show you where we are. No problem at all, man. My number is 214-534-9298 if you don't already have it.

Posted by tadamcochran over 3 years ago

I want to go to this but I'll be out of town.

Posted by marcie12h over 3 years ago

Thanks Adam for the invite. Never heard about Goat Island before, but that sounds like my kind of place! I will be there! But really want to make sure I have a partner or group to walk in there with. My cell is 940-597-5828. I have Adam’s and Sam’s in my phone.

Posted by baxter-slye over 3 years ago

Thanks, Adam. It's on my calendar. It's been a fairly brutal semester, but I hope the smoke will have cleared a little by then.

Posted by cameralenswrangler over 3 years ago

Thanks Adam! Never done Mothing, count me in, but no gear. I've been there for Mountain biking. looks like we are expecting rain this week. just in case I suggest bring your rain boots. it gets muddy out there.

Posted by masako75218 over 3 years ago

I appreciate this invite - I'm 50/50 at this point but will let y'all know either way.

Posted by donovanmoxley over 3 years ago

Let's continue to watch that weather -- looks like we may get a touch of rain this weekend... Right now, around ~60% change of rain in the area for Sat eve.

Posted by sambiology over 3 years ago

@sambiology Definitely. Being so close to the Trinity, I'm wondering if it'll be flooded at the low water crossing to get onto the island. I'll reach out to Joe and see if he knows the status of things. Of course, if it's raining we'll have to change plans.

Posted by tadamcochran over 3 years ago

@tadamcochran Ben Sandifer is a good resource too!

Posted by masako75218 over 3 years ago

This mothing get-together has been cancelled.

Posted by tadamcochran over 3 years ago

Yeah -- it's a bit of a bummer, but with how wet and drizzle it was this evening at Mockingbird Nature Park, I think it's a safe bet that we'd not get much at Goat Island. Don't fret -- Adam and I talked about it, and we'll be trying again to moth at this spot later this year -- keep an eye out!

In the meantime, there's a mothing event planned on May 15th at LLELA. I'll toss up a journal post soonish with more details. :)

Posted by sambiology over 3 years ago

Dang weather (although all this rain is great!). Y'all have fun today! DFW!!! Woot woot!!!

Posted by baxter-slye over 3 years ago

@tadamcochran Thanks again inviting me Adam! yeah it's a bummer. I'll keep an eye on next event!

Posted by masako75218 over 3 years ago

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