New Functionality: taxon counts on taxon page.

There is new functionailty on the taxon pages: so now we can easily see:

In the genus Protea we dont have any observations of
In South Africa;
Protea curvata
In Tropical Africa:
(10 spp: Protea argyrea , P dekindtiana, P flavopilosa, P kibarensis, P linearifolia, P matonchiana, P micans, P minima, P ongotium, P praticola)

Posted on October 13, 2019 04:36 PM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Jip, this is a nice new function. I noticed another one yesterday and tested it again today.

If you add the identification to the photo name/number, the identification is uploaded when the photos are uploaded. The description or number does not have to be lost, just add the id to it.

Works like a charm and saves time.

Posted by magdastlucia almost 5 years ago

2020 Missing and target taxa - species with 0-2 observations:
Almost all of these will be rare or unknown: please investigate!!

Brachysiphon microphyllus Swartberg Sissy 0; Brachysiphon mundii Limestone Sissy 1; Glischrocolla formosa Gluglue 1;
Stylapterus barbatus Landdros Wingstyle 0; Stylapterus candolleanus Lost Wingstyle 0; Stylapterus sulcatus Ovalleaf Wingstyle 1; (all these to be sunk into Penaea); Penaea dahlgrenii Langeberg Brickleaf 1;
Olinia capensis Cape Hardpear 1; Olinia huillensis 1; Olinia micrantha 0; Olinia radiata Forest Hardpear 0;

Audouinia esterhuyseniae Falseheath Tittman 0; Audouinia hispida Bristly Tittman 0; Audouinia laevis Alpine Tittman 1;
Berzelia dregeana Minihead Kolkol 1; Linconia alopecuroidea Gardenroute Lincon 0; Linconia ericoides Riviersonderend Lincon 1;
Staavia brownii Kogelberg Diamondeyes 0; Staavia capitella Pinkwool Diamondeyes 1; Staavia phylicoides Bokkeveld Diamondeyes 0;
Staavia pinifolia Pine Diamondeyes 2; Staavia staavioides Cedarberg Diamondeyes 0; Staavia trichotoma Woolly Diamondeyes 0; Staavia verticillata Square Diamondeyes 0; Staavia zeyheri Riviersonderend Diamondeyes 0;
Thamnea Mountain Branches (all 9 species are virtually 0);

Brunia monostyla Onestyle Streambush 2; Brunia pillansii Alpine Streambush 0; Brunia compacta Silkyflower Stompie 0; Brunia macrocephala Largecone Stompie 1; Brunia neglecta Forgotten Stompie 1; Brunia esterhuyseniae Longflower Lanceleaf 0; Brunia myrtoides Pink Lanceleaf 0; Brunia purpurea Purple Lanceleaf 1; Brunia bullata Mat Mossbranch 0; Brunia powrieae Hex Spikekol 0; Brunia tulbaghensis Tulbagh Spikekol 0; Brunia barnardii 0; Brunia capitellata 0; Brunia dregeana Silky Cedar Blacktips 1; Brunia oblongifolia 0; Brunia palustris 0; Brunia phylicoides Silver Cedar Blacktips 2; Brunia sacculata 0; Brunia squalida Purple Cedar Blacktips 0; Brunia thomae 0; Brunia villosa Shaggy Cedar Blacktips 2;

Bowkeria citrina Yellow Shellflower 0; Campylostachys helmei Dasberg Skewsage 1; Charadrophila capensis Capeglox 2; Euthystachys abbreviata Alpine Truesage 2;
Halleria ovata Oval Treefuchsia 1;

Kogelbergia phylicoides Langeberg Bearded Candlestick 1; Nuxia (ignored);
Stilbe gymnopharyngia Langeberg Candlestick 0; Stilbe overbergensis Singlestem Candlestick 2; Stilbe serrulata Riviersonderend Candlestick 2; Thesmophora scopulosa Woolly Candlestick 0;

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

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