Katy Pye

Joined: Jun 14, 2018 Last Active: Aug 4, 2024 iNaturalist

Author of an award-winning novel set around the plight of sea turtles. Current project is a workbook for individuals (or groups) to plan for and track garden (or city and farmscape) pollinators. Former CA Resource Conservation District E.D. now living on California's north coast. We are building up our garden with native and non-native plants to support pollinators and other critters. I love photographing nature, especially wildflowers, mushrooms, and pollinators, which goes with my "tracking" workbook project. My wildflower photos appear bi-annually at the Ford House Museum/ Mendocino State Parks Foundation headquarters and visitors' center. I give presentations about my experiences gardening for and tracking pollinators. Part of the goal is to encourage more citizen science participation.

I am an amateur, learning to distinguish species of bees. I contribute images to Bumble Bee Watch as there's time and hope to be adding to iNaturalist.

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