BioBlitz @ Little River Canyon National Preserve - May 20-22, 2016

The bioblitz event at Little River Canyon National Preserve will study as many facets of life as volunteers will be able to. The dates are 20, 21, 22 May. We have several botany experts, and JSU professor George Cline is bringing herpetology students. This event is free to attend. You do not have to be an expert to participate. This will be a nature walk on steroids, focusing on specific areas and species groups. The more volunteers we get recording species, the more likely we are to discover a new species for the park. Keep in mind that 7 species of just caddisflies were discovered here at Little River Canyon.

Potentially we could have stations for birds, herps, fish, vascular plants, mammals, caddisflies and salamanders which would enhance studies already done.

Stations for butterflies, insects, bacteria, lichens, mosses, spiders, moths, mushrooms, microbes and many other types of species would give us a baseline sample of information.

Collections will be digital photographs only, recording species/locations. We will choose likely locations for interesting finds and some may be linear along trails. Teams may include one or more specialist or general naturalist, and a group of visitors. One or more station will be investigated by a team. Friday will include school classes. In case of complete rainout, or lightning, the park digital collection will be available for sorting.

We hope to begin a good event to potentially provide good citizen science, and an annual event. This event will use iNaturalist, forms and photos to record species. For more information or to register contact Larry Beane or Mary Shew at (256) 845-9605. Email may be sent to

Posted on May 1, 2016 01:10 PM by friel friel


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