Posting Guidelines

Be Safe / Keep Wildlife Safe

The iNaturalist Boulder County Wildlife Project is not a site for reporting issues with wildlife. Please report sick or injured wildlife to Animal Control in the City of Boulder (303-441-3333) or Boulder County (303-441-4444).

When observing wildlife, always:

Follow all rules and regulations posted at each property.
Never harass or change the behavior of wildlife in any way. Watch from a distance and do not disturb their normal behavior.
Observe animals from a safe distance. If the animal appears nervous, points its ears towards you, or runs away, you are too close.
Do not disturb nesting birds, which may cause them to abandon their nest.
Do not feed or approach animals, or call animals to you. Try to avoid eye contact, especially if they get alarmed.
Respect all wildlife closures, posted on trailhead kiosks and in brochures.
SENSITIVE SPECIES: Some species may attract unwanted attention from the public. Large numbers of people may flock to see a particular animal once its location is known, creating safety concerns for both the public and the animal.

To protect wildlife, we ask that you voluntarily obscure* or delay for several weeks posting the exact locations of sensitive species. These include:

Black bears
Mountain Lions
Long-eared Owl
Northern Goshawk
Please do not post locations of animals with young.
Please do not post sightings of sensitive wildlife within neighborhoods.

  • To obscure your GPS data point, change the geoprivacy option in the drop down menu below the map when you post an observation. When coordinates are obscured it means that a random point within 0.2 degree of the true coordinates is shown publicly, while the true coordinates are only visible to you and project administrators.

Wild Boulder reserves the right to take down the following types of posts:

Posts that include commercial advertisements and spam or promote services or products.

Posts that incite illegal activity.

Obscene posts.

Posts fostering, promoting, or perpetuating illegal discrimination as defined in the Boulder Revised Code, 1981.

Libelous or defamatory posts.

Posts containing specific or imminent threats.

Posts infringing on copyrighted or trademarked material.

Posts which we feel may endanger wildlife, public safety, or both.

“The City of Boulder, Boulder County and The WILD Foundation disclaim liability for ads, videos, promoted content or comments accessible from any external Web page.”

Posted on March 17, 2017 07:07 PM by dsutherland dsutherland


I might also suggest calling Boulder County's Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Center about sick or injured wildlife (303)823-8455. They can assess the situation and provide further instruction about safely caring for the wildlife. They will be represented at the Wild Boulder event tonight.

Posted by itschelsea over 7 years ago

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