36 and counting - Winnipeg West 14PA22

Winnipeg West 14PA22 in the west part of Winnipeg, immediately adjacent to our previous highlighted square. The Assiniboine River flows from west to east through the survey area and creating a wildlife corridor between the city centre and the surrounding area. Sturgeon Creek, and the smaller Omands Creek and Truro Creek flow into the Assiniboine from the north. Public parks in this area include:

At the time of this posting, 5,022 observations have been added from within this area by 508 observers led by @seraphinpoudrier . 984 species are represented, the majority of which are plants (395 species) with insects (296 species) in second place. The most frequently observed organism is the Canada Goose with 68 observations in the area.

The end of April and beginning of May is when our provincial flower, the Prairie crocus, blooms. As we are experiencing an early spring, you may be able to get your crocus observations in early this year. At the Living Prairie Museum, staff update the museum Facebook page when the first flowers appear. When you are checking out the crocus, look nearby for the tiny yellow Prairie Buttercup that blooms at the same time and in the same habitats. No observation for this species has yet been added for this square yet but I know that it grows there - so you could be the first observer!

The spring chorus of frogs will likely be going - it can be difficult to photograph these - you might consider experimenting with collecting sound observations of their calls. Here's a couple of helpful links.

Posted on March 24, 2021 01:16 PM by marykrieger marykrieger


Lots of work, effort, time, planning, research going into your posts, @marykrieger.
Yes, they are read and, at least for me, will be read again.

Posted by seraphinpoudrier over 3 years ago

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