What you might see at The Forks during the City Nature Challenge

The Forks is right at the urban heart of Winnipeg with all the city conveniences. The adjacent rivers also make it a good place to observe nature. Wildlife here is used to the people passing by so if you do not approach too closely you can observe their day to day activities without disturbing them.

The Richardson's ground squirrels are out of hibernation - you might know them better as 'gophers.' Look for them in the grassy area south of the Riel Esplanade pedestrian bridge or on the embankment east of the railway between York Avenue and the gravelled parking area.

Canada geese and mallards are familiar sights near the river bank. Migration may bring you some other interesting waterfowl - the pedestrian bridge across the Assiniboine from the Forks to South Point Park is a great vantage point. Peregrine Falcons have been seen in the province this spring so keep a watch out overhead. One of their steady diet items, the Rock Pigeon is usually not that hard to find nearby.

The river bank is graced with large trees - you can find Manitoba Maple, Eastern Cottonwood, Green Ash, American Elm and Siberian Elm. Identifiers will appreciate if you included images of the whole tree, any fruit/seeds and the twigs showing the leaf buds. While you are in the trees, keep any eye (and ear) out for birds and squirrels. If they are too quick for your camera, you can experiment with audio recordings.

Its early in the year for most of the plants. Some are already showing life with small green rosettes - for others you may need to depend on the dried out remnants from last year. Identifiers will appreciate you taking a minute to find the features that make that plant unique and include them in the images that you upload.

Enjoy your first day of the City Nature Challenge wherever it takes you!

Posted on April 25, 2024 03:38 PM by marykrieger marykrieger


Great job @marykrieger to be present in the media to promote the challenge. You’re the best !

Posted by seraphinpoudrier 5 months ago

Wow, @marykrieger ; you’ve been so busy those 4 days even with interesting weather, and since then uploading all these observations. Impressive!

Posted by seraphinpoudrier 5 months ago

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