Friday Highlights

Well that was a wet one! And it looks like it will be a windy one today. Here's some highlights from what has been posted already.

@seraphinpoudrier found this Black knot fungus growing on a chokecherry bush near the Seine River.

@arikat found these first shoots of the native stinging nettle just emerging in Kildonan Park.

@carolannvermeer got a great shot of a somewhat damp Cooper's Hawk in Kildonan Park.

@miskwaabiimag found a delicate Splitgill fungus on some deadwood near the Assiniboine River.

@rebelnerd7 posted a sequence of a very damp squirrel in Transcona which really communicates what the weather was like yesterday.

@codonoghue captured the moment when a yellow rumped warbler decides if the floating speck is food ....or not food in Kings Park

I enjoyed finding this willow in full bloom in Grosse Isle.

Wishing you many more happy discoveries today.
Posted on April 27, 2024 03:09 PM by marykrieger marykrieger


Thanks for this highlights. Well thought: fungi, bird, mammal, plant, gall. Don’t you work hard, @marykrieger !

If we need to know when we will get wet, cold, windy days in April, in the province, we just need to check when is the CNC. I am still impressed with observations of so many species of birds observed in province - and the great pictures too. Also a few buds, some starting plants, etc. Interesting. I am not sure I want to know what is observed in other parts of Canada… and what the weather conditions are there !

Thanks for your active role ! I tried to promote the CNC in the Manitoba Wildlife and the Native Manitoba Plants Facebook groups; no idea if it helped.

Posted by seraphinpoudrier 5 months ago

You are very welcome - and thanks for mentioning the CNC in those Facebook groups! Saturday got pretty nice by the end as long as we stayed out of the wind :)

Posted by marykrieger 5 months ago

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