It's HATTRICK time!

So, here's something new for you guys - being a bit different from the 'classic' search for species:

As I am a fan of challenges, I have this going on as a personal quest for some time already, and I wonder why I didn't come up with the idea of promoting it in this group earlier.

Here's the mission: Find three plants of the same genus at the same spot (i.e. visible in one photo).

Too easy, so I exclude it here, is the 'Trifolium-triplet'.
So, for a start, to successfully participate in this challenge, either find three Acer or three Plantago species at the same spot. I managed to find both of these combinations already twice, so it should be doable. Bonus points, if the plants even touch each other 🥰

If you find other combinations, they will be evaluated by me whether they count or not 👨🏻‍🏫

On top of that, I created a new project: Go check out the Similar species in the same photo project and add your findings (not restricted to plants).

Hope you like the idea!

Posted on August 28, 2020 02:24 PM by carnifex carnifex


Posted by mobbini almost 4 years ago

Hello, I took a picture of an Acer triplet (all wild, maybe I can include a fourth species) in our garden. I took a picture that is not that great, as the foliage is missing too much and I lack a bit of depth of field. I will try to upload the picture in the next few days.

Posted by knuttutgut almost 4 years ago

@knuttutgut Hi, are the Acers uploaded meanwhile? Then Hattrick-Master @carnifex can take a look at them :)

I have now two Acer triplets (+further links in description), (+ further links in description). It was really fun to tour the forest with this new topic in mind, after finishing with the first triplet I had problems to defocus and my eyes continued to check the vicinity of each Acer leave for related compagnons :-)

I now hope for Stellaria and springtime, or maybe some springtails in the winter.

Posted by mobbini almost 4 years ago

nice, and also aesthetic :)

Posted by carnifex almost 4 years ago

Hello mobbini,
I´m sorry for the delay... Today I took a closer look at the pictures. Only two species can be seen really well. I think I have to wait for the next vegetation period. But within a radius of 25m I found: A. platanoides, A. pseudoplatanus, A. campestre and A. saccharinum. A picture of just the foliage would not be a problem ;-)

Posted by knuttutgut almost 4 years ago

ähem just the foliage is a well known and acceptable trick :-D ... and 5 Acer species is awesome!

Posted by mobbini almost 4 years ago

Where do you count 5 species? "A. picture" is not a maple species :-D

Posted by carnifex almost 4 years ago

:-D I really have to clean my eyes

Posted by mobbini almost 4 years ago
Posted by knuttutgut almost 4 years ago

no cheating? ;-)

Posted by carnifex almost 4 years ago

That's why I asked if foliage is ok. Next year i'll verify with pictures of foliaged trees ;-)

Edit: for the sake of honor... New picutre added. I hope this one is better :-D However, A. campestre stands a few meters away.

Posted by knuttutgut almost 4 years ago

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