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Seen Flowering in June: Yellow Ladyslippers, Canada Anemone and Northern Bedstraw

One often sees other organisms when photographing up close and personal with big showy flowers like these. The Observation Field 'Plant that the organism was found on' will give you a lookup to add the name of the plant when you add the observation of your plant photo-bomber...

Yellow Ladyslipper Cypripedium calceolus

where to find them...
"dry to moist open ground, thickets and woods in the southern two thirds of the province" 1
"moist woods, boreal forest" 2
"edges or open spaces in aspen poplar woods or upper margins of sloughs and ditches on roads and railway grades" 3

pollinated by smaller species of bees;

other organisms seen on this flower...

Canada Anemone (Meadow Anemone) Anemoneastrum canadense

previously known as Anemone canadense

where to find them...
"woods, thickets, meadows, shores and clearings throughout the southern three quarters of the province" 1
"One of the commonest anemones; found in large patches at the edges of woodlands, low moist places and hollows." 2
"Common. Habitat includes moist grassy areas, scrubby areas, edges of aspen poplar groves, particularly in parkland-prairie, but the plant is distrbuted throughout the area in suitable locations" 3

other organisms seen on this flower...

Northern Bedstraw Galium boreale

previously known as Galium septentrionale

where to find them...
"thickets, rock outcrops, prairie, shores and clearings throughout the province except for the extreme north" 1
"Common; in openings in woodlands, along roadsides and moister places on prairies...In some years, almost the dominant roadside flower." 2
"Habitat includes the aspen poplar groves and associated scrub of the parkland region to where parkland and forest meet" 3

The bedstraws are one of the larval food plants of the Bedstraw moth. These caterpillars also are willing to eat Fireweed and Evening primroses.

other organisms seen on this flower...


  1. Scoggan, H.J., Flora of Manitoba, 1957 Ottawa
  2. Budd, A.C., Budd's Flora of the Canadian Prairie Provinces
  3. Vance, F.R., Jowsey, J.R. and McLean, J.S, Wildflowers Across the Prairies
Posted on June 23, 2021 01:41 AM by marykrieger marykrieger


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