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March 10 (Wednesday) - South Side

March 10, 2021 (Wednesday), 8:30-10:10 am

60 dead newts (most larger than average size, many still with aquatic tails, very recently killed)
1 juvenile newt
Other roadkill: 1 Western Toad, 1 Sierran Tree Frog
Weather: Light rain during survey, steady rain the previous evening.
Traffic: 23 vehicles

Interesting human stuff:
1) A battalion of guys with multiple utility trucks laying fiber optic cable
2) Two HTH biologists checking their pit traps. Funny moment when the re-passed me on the road, suddenly stopping their truck and leaping out to help a LEAF cross the road. They were very embarassed that their mis-ID happened in front of me, but I assured them we'd all done it and their heart was in the right place. :-)

Interesting non-human stuff:
Golden Eagle soaring over the southern ridge

Posted on March 11, 2021 11:07 PM by anudibranchmom anudibranchmom


LOL - helping a leaf cross the road! Good thing they didn't get rear-ended when they stopped suddenly. Sounds dangerous.
Cool that you saw a golden eagle!

Posted by truthseqr over 3 years ago

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