Taxonomic Swap 43007 (Committed on 2018-12-18)

Taxon update was drafted for 1 Month with no objections to the name change.

Taxon Change to conform with ‘Plants Of The World Online’

Plants of the World Online (Citation)
Added by w_martin on November 18, 2018 11:54 AM | Committed by w_martin on December 18, 2018
replaced with


Intensions to Change Taxon within the next 2weeks.

Posted by w_martin almost 6 years ago

4 weeks gone. But perhaps this needs to be checked with USA, although how on earth they can request a delay is beyond me.
Is affecting some South African IDs - instead of being the species, they are now the family Myrtaceae because Callistemon viminalis and Melaleuca viminalis only agree at Family level !!!!

Posted by tonyrebelo almost 6 years ago

Many thanks!

Posted by tonyrebelo almost 6 years ago

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