Photos / Sounds


Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus)




September 19, 2024 07:35 AM PDT


The second day in a row of a predator/prey sequence. Yesterday it was a Peregrine Falcon and a blackbird ( Today it was a Sharp-shinned Hawk and a Sparrow. Not quite as good of a photo set today, though :)

Photos / Sounds


Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)




September 18, 2024 01:07 PM PDT


Nature is metal, as they say.

There were tons of gulls and blackbirds at Kings Beach today. And there were tons of people watching and photographing the gulls. But nobody seemed to be paying much attention to the blackbirds which, I guess, is to be expected. But that was unfortunate for them because when blackbirds scatter and/or fly off in a flock, it's worth taking a closer look.

As I walked past a tree filled with blackbirds, their chatter increased and they quickly bolted. I looked up and saw one bigger bird amongst the crowd. Sure enough, a Peregrine Falcon swooped in for some takeout!

Within seconds, the Peregrine Falcon had caught, killed, and flew off with its lunch. Crazy fast and I'm willing to bet that I was the only person to even notice. Even in a developed area such as this, awesome nature interactions are taking place!