Photos / Sounds


Woolly Fibrecap (Inocybe stellatospora)




August 20, 2022 10:32 AM ADT


D.Malloch 20-08-22/03. Gregarious (3) in humus, in medium-age forest of Pinus strobus, Abies balsamea, Picea rubens and Betula papyrifera

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus conical to convex, with a large broad umbo, dry, densely scaly on the umbo, fibrillose toward the margin, dark brown (HSV20:50:40-50) on the umbo, more yellow brown (HSV30:20:90) toward the margin, 28-38 mm in diameter

Stipe equal, dry, fibrillose-scaly below the apex, yellow brown (HSV30:20:90), 45-67 x 4-6 mm.

Lamellae light brown (HSV30:10-15:90), adnexed, close.

Flesh pale olive (HSV45:10:70-80) in the pileus, light brown in the stipe, with a pronounced mushroom odour.

Basidiospores forming a deposit too thin to assign to colour, with prominent high nodules, usually with 5-6 nodules visible in dorsi-ventral view and 5 in profile, 8.4-12.2 x 4.8-8.2 µm, Q = 1.26-1.95 (average[52]: 9.9±0.82 x 6.5±0.63, Q = 1.52±0.16).

Basidia clavate, 4-spored, with a basal clamp connection

Cheilocystidia ventricose to lageniform, rarely with a capitulum, thin-walled, usually with apical crystals, often with elongated internal crystals, 40-80 x 13.0-26.8 µm.

Pleurocystidia ventricose to lageniform, thin-walled, usually with apical crystals, often with elongated internal crystals, 58-80 x 15.6-23.4 µm.


  1. Basidiomata in the natural habitat
  2. Scan of basidiomata
  3. Pleurocystidia in KOH + Congo Red
  4. cheilocystidia in KOH + Congo Red
  5. Basidiospores from lamella in KOH + Congo Red
  6. Basidiospres from spore print in Melzer's Solution
Woolly Fibrecap - Photo (c) Alan Rockefeller, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Alan Rockefeller
ksanderson's ID: Woolly Fibrecap (Inocybe stellatospora)
Added on September 22, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Painted Suillus (Suillus spraguei)




August 20, 2022 09:57 AM ADT


D.Malloch 20-08-22/06. Solitary in soil and needle litter, associated with Pinus strobus in medium-age forest of Pinus strobus, Abies balsamea, Picea rubens and Betula papyrifera

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Painted Suillus - Photo (c) Adam Bryant, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Adam Bryant
ksanderson's ID: Painted Suillus (Suillus spraguei)
Added on September 22, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Brittlegills (Genus Russula)




August 19, 2022 10:13 AM ADT


D.Malloch 19-08-22/08. Gregarious (5 or 6), in medium age forest of Abies balsamea, Picea rubens and Betula papyrifera

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus convex-hemispherical at first, expanding to broadly convex, sticky-viscid, striate at the immediate margin, glabrous, yellow (HSV50:15-20:100), with some scattered brown stains, 55-86 mm in diameter (larger ones seen in the field)

Stipe equal to slightly ventricose, dry, glabrous, white, 68-85 x 22-30 mm.

Lamellae pale yellow (HSV50:10:100), adnexed, close, often forked.

Flesh pale yellow (HSV45:05-10:100), with a strong odour of almonds.

Basidiospores very pale yellow in spore print, with ornamentation forming a complete to incomplete retulum, 6.9-8.0 x 6.1-7.0 µm, Q = 1.06-1.23 (average[37]: 7.6±0.28 x 6.6±0.21 µm, Q = 1.16±0.04, with ridges of the ornamentation amyloid and up to 1.5 µm high.

Pileal epicutis a low trichodermium, with a very thin skin-like surface layer, containing scattered pseudocystidia that stain readily in KOH/phloxine

Hymenial pseudocystidia abundant, narrowly clavate, often mucronate or with globose to monilioid apices


  1. Basidiomata in the natural habitat
  2. Pileipellis in KOH + Phloxine
  3. Cross section of lamella in KOH + Phloxine
  4. Pleurocystidia in KOH + Phloxine
  5. Basidiospores from lamella in surface view
  6. Basidiospores from spore print in Melzer's Solution
Brittlegills - Photo (c) Gordon C. Snelling, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Gordon C. Snelling
ksanderson's ID: Brittlegills (Genus Russula)
Added on September 22, 2024

Photos / Sounds




August 21, 2022 09:40 AM ADT


D.Malloch 21-08-22/07 Gregarious (2) in humus beside a path, associated with Picea rubens in semimature forest of Picea rubens, Abies balsamea, Pinus strobus and Betula papyrifera

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus conical at first, not seen when fully expanded, glabrous, sticky, white, 40-62 mm in diameter

Stipe tapering up gradually, with a large subspherical bulb, dry, glabrous to finely diffracted-scaly, white, annulate, volvate, 35-50 x 6-9 mm.

Lamellae white, free, close

Flesh white, with an indistinct to slightly unpleasant mushroom odour.

Basidiospores white in spore print, broadly obovate to subspherical in profile, smooth, distinctly amyloid, 8.6-13.5(15.8) x 7.7-11.8 (14.1) µm, Q = 1.00-1.17 (average[41]: 10.5±1.28 x 9.6±1.10 µm, Q = 1.09±0.04).

Basidia clavate, both two- and four-spored but with four-spored more abundant

Pileipellis a thick ixocutis, with subpellis a compact cutis of narrow hyphae

Pileal trama irregularly and loosely interwoven

Lamellar trama bilateral, with a narrow parallel core and a broad and loose subhymenium


  1. Basidiomata in the natural habitat
  2. Scan of basidiomata
  3. Cross section of pileipellis in KOH + Congo Red
  4. Cross section of lamella in KOH + Congo Red
  5. Cross section of lamella in KOH + Congo Red showing details of subhymenium
  6. Cross section of the volva in KOH + Congo Red
  7. Basidia in KOH + Congo Red. Note both 2- and 4-spored basidia
  8. Basidiospores from spore print in Melzer's Solution
Amanita amerivirosa - Photo (c) Stephen Russell, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Stephen Russell
ksanderson's ID: Amanita amerivirosa, a member of Amanita Sect. Phalloideae (Section Phalloideae)
Added on September 21, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Brittlegills (Genus Russula)




August 13, 2022 10:03 AM ADT


D.Malloch 13-08-22/04. Solitary in soil and leaf litter in mature forest of Acer saccharum, Betula papyrifera and Fagus grandifolia

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus not seen when young, expanding to convex, depressed, corrugate-striate at the margin, dry, glabrous, bright red (HSV350:70:80-90), with pileipellis peeling halfway to the centre, 95 mm in diameter

Stipe cylindrical, dry, white, 85 x 18 mm

Lamellae very pale yellow (HSV45:02-03:100), close, adnexed, without lamellulae.

Flesh white, lacking a distinctive odour, mild.

Basidiospores very pale yellow to nearly white (HSV50:03:100) in spore print, boadly ellipsoidal, coarsly ornamented with mostly separate warts that are occasionally fused to form short ridges, with cell wall and ornamentation strongly amyloid, measurements excluding ornamentation 6.8-8.3 x 5.9-6.9 µm, Q = 1.10-1.24 (average[45]: 7.5±0.4 x 6.4±0.3 µm, Q = 1.18±0.03, with ornamentation up to 1.5 µm high.

Basidia broadly clavate, 4-spored, lacking a basal clamp connection

Pleurocystidia abundant, clavate to fusoid, often with an apical proliferation that is spore-like to fimbriate and tortuous, with a dense crystalline content, 48-68 x 10.0-11.9 µm

Cheilocystidia similar to the pleurocystidia but with apex often more strongly fimbriate, 43-61 x 6.9-10.6 µm

Pileipellis an ixotrichodermium about 50 µm thick above a dense cutis of about equal thickness, with elements of the trichodermium 2-3 µm broad and only distantly or inconspicuously septate

Dermatocystidia present as cylindrical hyphae, only slightly broader than the elements of the ixotrichodermium, staining moderately well in KOH+Phloxine


  1. Basidioma in the natural habitat
  2. Scan of basidioma, ventral
  3. Scan of basidioma, dorsal
  4. Pileipellis in KOH + Phloxine
  5. Pleurocystidia in KOH
  6. Cheilocystidia in KOH
  7. Basidiospores from spore print in Melzer's Solution showing profiles in optical section and in surface view
Brittlegills - Photo (c) Gordon C. Snelling, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Gordon C. Snelling
ksanderson's ID: Brittlegills (Genus Russula)
Added on September 21, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Amanita Mushrooms (Genus Amanita)




August 9, 2022 10:09 AM ADT


D.Malloch 09-08-22/07. Solitary on a mossy boulder, associated with Betula papyrifera on the boulder but with Abies balsamea growing nearby

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus conic-convexwith a low and inconspicuous umbo, corrugate-striate at the margin, moist, glabrous, dark orange brown (HSV30:50:70-80) at the centre, pale orange yellow (HSV35:20:100) elsewhere, without veil remnants, 50 mm in diameter

Stipe tapering up gradually, dry, glabrous, minutely rugulose, pale cream, without an annulus, hollow, 140 x 8 mm.

Lamellae white, adnexed, close to crowded

Volva white, membranous, sack-like and adherent the stipe.

Flesh concolorous with the surface tissues, with a pleasant odour.

Basidiospores white in spore print, subspherical, smooth, inamyloid, 9.0-11.3 x 8.7-10.9 µm, Q = 1.00-1.21 (average[35]: 10.4±0.51 x 9.8±0.54 µm, Q = 1.06±0.05).

Amanita Mushrooms - Photo (c) illypinot, all rights reserved
ksanderson's ID: Amanita Mushrooms (Genus Amanita)
Added on September 21, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Pinkgills (Genus Entoloma)




August 13, 2022 10:49 AM ADT


D.Malloch 13-08-22/02. Gregarious in humus beside an old hardwood stump in mature forest of Acer saccharum, Betula papyrifera and Fagus grandifolia

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus conical, with a broad umbo, finely corrugate-striate halfway to the centre, dry, finely scaly at the centre, with umbo and scales yellow brown (HSV30:60:40-50), cream coloured toward the margin, 26-42 mm in diameter

Stipe cylindrical, fragile, dry, glabrous, very pale yellow to almost white (HSV50:00-03:100), 55-70 x 2.0-2.5 mm

Lamellae white at first, becoming pink as the basidiospores mature, close, ascending-adnexed, not marginate.

Flesh white, with a strong mushroom odour, lacking a distinctive taste.

Basidiospores pink in spore print, heterodiametrical, 8.8-12.5 x 6.6-8.2 µm, Q = 1.27-1.60 (average[53]: 10.0±0.8 x 7.1±0.4 µm, Q = 1.40±0.08)

Basidia from a compact subhymenial matrix, clavate, 4-spored, lacking a basal clamp connection

Cheilocystidia occuring in small clusters along the edges of the lamellae, not forming a continuous sterile band, cylindrical to narrowly clavate, flexuous, without a basal clamp connection, difficult to trace to their base but probably up to 80 µm in length, 3.5-11.4 µm broad.

Pileipellis a slightly- to well-developed trichodermium of broad hyphae, with a subpellis of parallel narrower hyphae, with intercellular pigments in the subpellis and possibly with encrusted ones in the pellis as well


  1. Basidiomata in the natural habitat
  2. Scan of basidiomata
  3. Scan of lamellae
  4. Pileipellis in Windex
  5. Surface hyphae of the pileipellis in KOH + Congo Red showing encrustations
  6. Cheilocystidia in KOH + Congo Red
  7. Basidia in in KOH + Congo Red - without clamp connections
  8. Basidiospores from spore print in Melzer's Solution
Pinkgills - Photo (c) Davide Puddu, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Davide Puddu
ksanderson's ID: Pinkgills (Genus Entoloma)
Added on September 21, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Amanita Mushrooms (Genus Amanita)




August 11, 2022 11:11 AM ADT


D.Malloch 11-08-22/05. Gregarious (2) in leaf litter at the centre and margin of a woods road, associated with Pinus strobus and Abies balsamea

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus not seen when young, broadly plano-convex, corrugate-striate at the margin dry, glabrous except for a large patch of universal veil, white to slightly greyish, 40-60 mm in diameter

Stipe equal down to the only slightly swollen base, dry, glabrous, white, white-mycelial at the base, hollow, with a persistent volva, 70-85 x 7-8 mm.

Lamellae white, probably free but damaged by animals, close

Annulus lacking

Volva persistent on the stipe, sack-like, white

Flesh white, without a distinctive odour

Basidiospores white in spore print, 9.9-13.1 x 8.1-11.9 µm, Q = 1.05-1.40 (average[76]: 11.2±0.59 x 9.6±0.76 µm, Q = 1.16±0.08).

Amanita Mushrooms - Photo (c) illypinot, all rights reserved
ksanderson's ID: Amanita Mushrooms (Genus Amanita)
Added on September 21, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Salmon Pinkgill (Entoloma quadratum)




August 11, 2022 09:46 AM ADT


D.Malloch 11-08-22/03. Solitary in humus beside a decaying stump, associated with Acer saccharum and Betula alleghaniensis

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Salmon Pinkgill - Photo (c) Adam Bryant, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Adam Bryant
ksanderson's ID: Salmon Pinkgill (Entoloma quadratum)
Added on September 21, 2024

Photos / Sounds




August 19, 2023 08:17 AM ADT
Shelf Fungi - Photo (c) skitterbug, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by skitterbug
ksanderson's ID: Shelf Fungi (Order Polyporales)
Added on September 20, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Yellowfoot (Craterellus tubaeformis)




September 19, 2024 02:10 PM ADT


Cedar, balsam fir

Yellowfoot - Photo (c) growbadlands, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by growbadlands
ksanderson's ID: Yellowfoot (Craterellus tubaeformis)
Added on September 20, 2024

Photos / Sounds




August 9, 2022 10:30 AM ADT


D.Malloch 09-08-22/06 Solitary on a decaying conifer log, associated with Abies balsamea and Betula papyrifera

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus broadly, depressed on the disc, moist, glabrous, dark red brown (HSV05:70:40), with sparse veil remnants at the margin, 28 mm in diameter

Stipe equal, dry, glabrous, pale cream but with reddish brown stains where handled, annulate, hollow, 50 x 8 mm.

Lamellae orange brown (HSV20:30-40:90), adnate to subdecurrent, subclose

Annulus pale cream, membranous, flaring up from the stipe.

Flesh concolorous with the surface tissues, with a pleasant odour.

Basidiospores bright rusty orange brown (HSV30:60:90), elliptical to ovate in profile, more strongly ovate and slightly broader in dorsi/ventral view, smooth, without germ pores, not dextrinoid, 5.9-8.0 x 4.6-5.7 µm, Q = 1.28-1.53 (average[48]: 7.1±0.37 x 5.0±0.22 µm, Q = 1.42±0.05) in profile view, 6.3-8.5 x 4.8-6.0 µm, Q = 1.20-1.49 (average[54]: 7.3±0.46 x 5.4±0.25 µm, Q = 1.35±0.07) in dorsi/ventral view.

Basidia clavate, 4-spored, with a basal clamp connection.

Cheilocystidia forming a continuous white sterile margin, nearly cylindrical to slightly clavate, with a basal clamp connection, 24-61 x 7.4-9.0 µm.

Pleurocystidia none.


  1. Basidioma in natural habitat
  2. Scan of basidioma; dorsal view
  3. Scan of basidioma; ventral view
  4. Cheilocystidia in KOH + Congo Red
  5. Basidiospores from spore print in Melzer's Solution
Tubaria confragosa - Photo (c) Christian Schwarz, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Christian Schwarz
ksanderson's ID: Tubaria confragosa, a member of Tubaria Sect. Confragosae (Section Confragosae)
Added on September 20, 2024

Photos / Sounds




August 9, 2022 01:10 PM ADT


D.Malloch 09-08-22/03 Solitary in in leaf litter, associated with Acer spicatum, Picea rubens and Abies balsamea

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus strongly depressed and subinfundibuliform, dry, glabrous, fundamentally a very pale cream colour but with pinkish areas (HSV10:02-05:100), 30 mm in diameter – with exsiccates not darkening significantly in 3% KOH

Stipe equal or slightly enlarged toward the base, dry, glabrous, white or nearly so, 38 x 6 mm.

Lamellae white, decurrent, not marginate.

Flesh white above the lamellae and in the surface tissues in the stipe, pale yellow (HSV45:10-15:100) below the surface of the pileus and in the centre of the stipe, with a pleasant mushroom odour.

Basidiospores white in spore print, broadly dacryoid to obovoid, smooth, neither amyloid nor dextrinoid, 4.9-7.6 x 4.4-5.9 µm, Q = 1.13-1.43 (average[47]: 6.2±0.5 x 4.8±0.3 µm, Q = 1.29±0.07)

Basidia clavate, 4-spored, with a basal clamp connection, 26-31 x 5.8-7.0 µm

Hymenial cystidia none

Pileipellis a thick but rather loose cutis of broad and radially encrusted hyphae, with surface hyphae often branched and not entirely parallel, with some of the surface hyphae having a golden oily content and resembling oleiferous hyphae

Clamp connections present throughout


  1. Scan of basidioma, ventral view
  2. Scan of basidioma, dorsal view
  3. Pileipellis in Windex
  4. Basidia in KOH + Congo Red
  5. Basidiospores from spore print in KOH + Congo Red
Infundibulicybe splendoides - Photo (c) David Malloch, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by David Malloch
ksanderson's ID: Infundibulicybe splendoides, a member of Funnels (Genus Infundibulicybe)
Added on September 20, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Lentil Shanklet (Collybia tuberosa)




August 11, 2022 10:40 AM ADT


D.Malloch 11-08-22/06 Gregarious (numerous) in leaf litter, associated with Betula papyrifera, Acer saccharum and Abies balsamea

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Lentil Shanklet - Photo (c) Danny Newman, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND), uploaded by Danny Newman
ksanderson's ID: Lentil Shanklet (Collybia tuberosa)
Added on September 20, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Honey Waxcap (Hygrocybe reidii)




August 18, 2022 01:56 PM ADT


D.Malloch 18-08-22/02 Solitary in soil in mixed forest of Picea rubens, Abies balsamea, and Betula papyrifera

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus conic-convex, moist, glabrous, bright orange (HSV30:80-90:100), 45 mm in diameter

Stipe equal, strongly flattened, moist, yellow orange (HSV40:60:100), 36 x 12 x 8 mm.

Lamellae bright orange (HSV40:80-90:100), distant, subdecurrent

Flesh concolorous with the surface tissues, lacking a distinctive odour

Basidiospores white in spore print, elliptical to slightly obovate in profile, less frequently ovate, smooth, unchanging in Melzer’s Solution, 7.2-9.3 x 4.9-5.8 µm, Q = 1.38-1.70 (average[56]: 7.9±0.41 x 5.3±0.23 µm, Q = 1.50±0.07)

Basidia narrowly clavate, 4-spored, without a basal clamp connection

Pileipellis not gelatinous, composed of a thin cutis of narrow hyphae, without a distinct subpellis

Stipitipellis not gelatinous, a cutis of narrow hyphae

Lamellar trama composed of a central core of parallel hyphae, with a thick and loosely interwoven subhymenial layer


  1. Basidioma in natural habitat
  2. Basidioma, ventral view
  3. Cross section of lamella
  4. Basidia in KOH + Congo Red
  5. Basidiospores from spore print in KOH + Congo Red
Honey Waxcap - Photo (c) Filip Fuljer, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Filip Fuljer
ksanderson's ID: Honey Waxcap (Hygrocybe reidii)
Added on September 20, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Moss Bell (Galerina hypnorum)




August 17, 2022 02:31 PM ADT


D.Malloch 17-08-22/05 Scattered to gregarious on a moss-covered log in mature forest of Acer saccharum, Betula alleghaniensis, Fagus grandifolia and Quercus rubra

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum

Pileus conical, striate, dry, orange brown (HSV40:60:90), hygrophanous, 3-7 mm in diameter

Stipe equal, dry, finely pruinose, pale orange (HSV40:20:100), 13-22 x <1 mm.

Lamellae pale orange (HSV40:60:90), close, ascending-adnexed

Veil not seen

Flesh concolorous with the surface tissues, lacking a distinctive odour

Basidiospores orange brown (HSV30:50:90) in spore print, narrowly ovate to elliptical in profile, with a tapered apex, finely roughened but appearing nearly smooth even with the 100X objective, without a distinct plage in Melzers although there is some indication of one in KOH-Congo Red, only rarely with a slightly loosening perisporium, strongly dextrinoid in Melzer’s Solution, 7.4-10.0 x 4.3-5.1 µm, Q = 1.59-1.97 (average[54]: 8.4±0.44 x 4.7±0.01 µm, Q = 1.80±0.08)

Basidia broadly clavate, 4-spored, with a basal clamp connection

Cheilocystidia forming a sterile margin on the lamellae, ventricose-rostrate to sublecythiform, with apex swollen but never globose, 35-49 x 5.5-8.8 x 2.9-4.5 µm, 4.2-6.5 µm broad at the apex

Pleurocystidia lacking

Lamellar trama parallel to slightly interwoven, brown, strongly encrusted

Pileipellis a thin cutis of strongly encrusted hyphae


  1. Basidiomata in their natural habitat
  2. Scan of basidiomata
  3. Cross section of pileipellis in KOH + Congo Red
  4. Cheilocystidia in KOH + Congo Red
  5. Basidiospores from spore print in Melzer's Solution showing strong dextrinoid reaction
Moss Bell - Photo (c) tleitch, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND), uploaded by tleitch
ksanderson's ID: Moss Bell (Galerina hypnorum)
Added on September 20, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Pinkgills (Genus Entoloma)




August 10, 2022 09:32 AM ADT


D.Malloch 10-08-22/01 Solitary in humus beside a small stream, associated with Picea rubens and ferns

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus conical at first, expanding to rather buckled, with a prominent sharp umbo, dry, glabrous, light brown (HSV30:40:90), with two dark red brown radiating areas, 44 mm in diameter

Stipe tapering up gradually, twisted-fibrous but very fragile, dry, glabrous, pale orange buff (HSV30:03-04:100), 63 x 4 mm.

Lamellae pale buff (HSV30:02-03:100), adnexed, not marginate.

Flesh concolorous with the surface tissues, with a weakly farinaceous odour, lacking a distinctive taste.

Basidiospores pink in spore print, heterodiametrical, mostly 5-6-sided in profile, 8.5-11.2 x 6.2-8.4 µm, Q = 1.25-1.59 (average[59]: 9.9±0.7 x 7.1±0.4 µm, Q = 1.40±0.07)

Basidia arising from a system of swollen septate hyphae, clavate, 4-spored, without a basal clamp connection

Hymenial cystidia lacking

Pileipellis a thin cutis of narrow hyphae above a thicker subpellis of very broad hyphae, with hyphae of cutis possibly finely encrusted and without clamp connections

Pileal trama parallel, with numerous and conspicuous oliferous hyphae

Lamellar trama parallel, of broad hyphae with a uniform and rather refractile content resembling oleiferous hyphae, with subhymenium poorly differentiated from the trama


  1. Basidioma in natural habitat
  2. Scan of basidioma
  3. Cross section of pileipellis
  4. Cross section of a lamella showing the rather lax trama of refractive hyphae
  5. Immature basidia arising from loose and poorly defined subhymenium - note lack of clamp connections
  6. Basidiospores from spore print in Melzer's Solution
Pinkgills - Photo (c) Davide Puddu, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Davide Puddu
ksanderson's ID: Pinkgills (Genus Entoloma)
Added on September 20, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Long-stalked Gray Cup (Helvella macropus)




September 19, 2024 11:40 AM ADT
Long-stalked Gray Cup - Photo (c) naturalisttrent, all rights reserved, uploaded by naturalisttrent
ksanderson's ID: Long-stalked Gray Cup (Helvella macropus)
Added on September 20, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Flat Crep (Crepidotus applanatus)




August 15, 2022


D.Malloch 15-08-22/05 Gregarious (2) among mosses on a rotten hardwood log, in a mature forest of Fagus grandifolia, Acer saccharum, Betula papyrifera and B. alleghaniensis

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus laterally attached, pleurotoid, broadly spathulate to conchate, very finely striate at the margin, dry, glabrous, light brown (HSV25:20:90), hygrophanous, 16-43 mm in diameter

Stipe lacking

Lamellae light brown (HSV20:20:93), crowded, not marginate

Flesh concolorous with the surface tissues, with a nondescript mushroom odour

Basidiospores orange brown (HSV30:40:90) in spore print, nearly spherical, moderately roughened, 4.3-5.5 x 4.2-5.5 µm, Q = 0.96-1.13 (average[45]: 4.9±0.31 x 4.8±0.32 µm, Q = 1.02±0.03)


  1. Basidiomata in natural habitat
  2. Scan of basidioma from above
  3. Scan of basidioma from below
  4. Cheilocystidia
  5. Basidiospores from spore print in Melzer's Solution
Flat Crep - Photo (c) Kenton Kwok, all rights reserved, uploaded by Kenton Kwok
ksanderson's ID: Flat Crep (Crepidotus applanatus)
Added on September 19, 2024

Photos / Sounds




August 22, 2024 10:37 AM ADT


Parasitic on lamellae of Cortinarius davemallochii (see iNaturalist 239224805)

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)


  1. Three ascophores, the one on the left with four ascospores
  2. Cross section of a lamella of C. davemallochii showing a protruding ascophore of P. borealis
Phialoascus borealis - Photo (c) David Malloch, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by David Malloch
ksanderson's ID: Phialoascus borealis, a member of Budding Yeasts (Order Saccharomycetales)
Added on September 18, 2024

Photos / Sounds




August 15, 2022 02:09 PM ADT


D.Malloch 15-08-22/04 Gregarious (9 or more) on rotten log of Fagus grandifolia, in a mature forest of Fagus grandifolia, Acer saccharum, Betula papyrifera and B. alleghaniensis

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Clitocybe americana - Photo (c) Christian Schwarz, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Christian Schwarz
ksanderson's ID: Clitocybe americana, a member of Funnels (Genus Clitocybe)
Added on September 18, 2024

Photos / Sounds




August 16, 2022 02:35 PM ADT


D.Malloch 16-08-22/05 Gregarious on leaf litter, in a mature forest of Fagus grandifolia, Acer saccharum, Betula papyrifera and B. alleghaniensis

In herbarium, New Brunswick Museum (NBM)

Pileus conic-convex when young, becoming more broadly convex when fully expanded, dry, very finely frosted but with this easily rubbing off, dark brown (HSV10:40:40), 12-25 mm in diameter

Stipe equal, tortuous, light brown (HSV10:30:60), densely white fibrillose, dry, 25-37 x 2-4 mm

Lamellae yellow brown (HSV30:20:80), close, adnexed, not marginate

Flesh concolorous with the surface tissues, with a nondescript mushroom odour

Basidiospores white in spore print, bradly obovate to ovate in profile, smooth, weakly to strongly dextrinoid, with dextrinoidy uniformly distributed on each spore, 4.4-5.4 x 3.2-3.9 µm, Q = 1.20-1.53 (average[48]: 4.7±0.2 x 3.5±0.2, Q = 1.33±0.07)

Basidia borne from a very compact subhymenium, difficult to separate, clavate, 2-spored, with a basal clamp connection

Cheilocystidia scattered, entirely absent on some lamellae, clavate, usually swollen at the apex

Pileipellis appearing to be cellular in cross section, in surface view it has a sort of ramiales-like texture composed of broad hyphae with numerous end cells

Stipe vestiture of branched and tangled hyaline hyphae


  1. Basidiomata in the natural habitat
  2. Scan of basidiomata
  3. Pileipellis in cross section
  4. Pileipellis in surface view
  5. Stipitipellis
  6. Cheilocystidia
  7. Basidiospores from spore print in Melzer's Solution showing dextrinoid reaction
Rhodocollybia - Photo (c) Josh Walker, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Josh Walker
ksanderson's ID: Genus Rhodocollybia, a member of Common Gilled Mushrooms and Allies (Order Agaricales)
Added on September 18, 2024

Photos / Sounds




August 11, 2023 11:46 AM ADT
Russula silvestris - Photo (c) Matthieu Morin, all rights reserved, uploaded by Matthieu Morin
ksanderson's ID: Russula silvestris, a member of Brittlegills (Genus Russula)
Added on September 16, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Smith's Earthstar (Astraeus smithii)




August 12, 2024 02:12 PM ADT


Dune habitat among Hudsonia tomentosa


Smith's Earthstar - Photo (c) huafang, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by huafang
ksanderson's ID: Smith's Earthstar (Astraeus smithii)
Added on September 13, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Common Fiber Vase (Thelephora terrestris)




August 12, 2024 02:33 PM ADT


Dune habitat at base of Hudsonia tomentosa. Several in loose cluster. One with Hudsonia growing out of it.


Common Fiber Vase - Photo (c) Martin Black, all rights reserved, uploaded by Martin Black
ksanderson's ID: Common Fiber Vase (Thelephora terrestris)
Added on September 13, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Snaketongue Truffleclub (Tolypocladium ophioglossoides)




August 21, 2024 02:32 PM ADT


In leaf litter, mixed woods, mainly balsam for closest. Also red maple and red oak.


Snaketongue Truffleclub - Photo (c) Richard Tehan, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Richard Tehan
ksanderson's ID: Snaketongue Truffleclub (Tolypocladium ophioglossoides)
Added on September 13, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Snaketongue Truffleclub (Tolypocladium ophioglossoides)




September 10, 2024 02:25 PM ADT


In polytrichum moss in mixed forest. Nearest trees red spruce, white birch and balsam fir. Solitary.


Snaketongue Truffleclub - Photo (c) Richard Tehan, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Richard Tehan
ksanderson's ID: Snaketongue Truffleclub (Tolypocladium ophioglossoides)
Added on September 13, 2024

Photos / Sounds


Smith's Earthstar (Astraeus smithii)




September 12, 2024 12:11 PM ADT


Cluster on dune slope among marram grass and Hudsonia


Smith's Earthstar - Photo (c) huafang, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by huafang
ksanderson's ID: Smith's Earthstar (Astraeus smithii)
Added on September 13, 2024

Photos / Sounds




September 12, 2024 12:14 PM ADT


On dune slope around marram grass. Two about 2ft apart.


Scleroderma septentrionale - Photo (c) fuzzyfeet, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)
ksanderson's ID: Scleroderma septentrionale, a member of Earthballs (Genus Scleroderma)
Added on September 13, 2024

Photos / Sounds




September 12, 2024 12:26 PM ADT


Near top of dune slope by ammophila and Hudsonia


Scleroderma septentrionale - Photo (c) fuzzyfeet, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)
ksanderson's ID: Scleroderma septentrionale, a member of Earthballs (Genus Scleroderma)
Added on September 13, 2024


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