May 14, 2018

Open Street Map preferred to Google Maps

I've been enjoying entering observations but I prefer the Open Street Map, the free and open source map of the world to google maps. I find more details of location in For example; I spend a lot of time at Great Meadows NWR Concord Unit in Massachusets and this 250 acre site is just part of the 13,000 acre Great Meadows NWR. Great Meadows NWR Concord Unit can be found in OpenStreetMap but not in Google maps. Also, the third world countries are extensively mapped in OSM.

I did try to define a location using the inaturalist tool by entering the polygon for the Concord Unit but for some unknown reason my attempt failed.

Posted on May 14, 2018 08:54 PM by alanbragg alanbragg | 0 comments | Leave a comment

May 3, 2018

Newbie Error- duplicate entries

So, today I decided to try using the batch upload since I had about 50 observations.
After selecting upload and waiting a while I got a "timed out" message.
So I tried again clicking other windows. The result was 3 uploads of the same data.
The only way I could find to group the triplicates was to start a journal entry and scroll down the sidebar selecting and deleting the extra entries one at a time, choosing edit and selecting delete. About 300 clicks later I had removed the two extra uploads.

Posted on May 3, 2018 08:03 PM by alanbragg alanbragg | 1 observation | 1 comment | Leave a comment
