Journal archives for June 2017

June 20, 2017


Great day yesterday doing pest line maintenance and getting to see lots of new fungi. And even better: by the time I was on the coach, everything was identified. Thank you very much great people here!

Have to work on my fern identification though. I wasn't sure I had identified the Tarawera properly, and indeed it was actually a Kiwakiwa. But joepb gae me a very handy tip: "The sterile, brown fronds at the centre of the plant make it a Blechnum." So that seems to be a general identification help, so will use that a bit.

Same for what I thought was perhaps a lance fern, but was actually the leather-leaf fern. Getting feedback like that is invaluable, pouring over books clearly doesn't work for me.

PS: just noticed something terrible: at least some locations are pretty random it seems, 15kms from where I took the photo. What did happen here???

Posted on June 20, 2017 08:34 PM by berend berend | 0 comments | Leave a comment
