September 19, 2024

Ants in eastern Crete in September 2024

I have posted observations of 4 different kinds of ant which I saw in a small area of the buildings and roadways at a hotel in eastern Crete between 9 and 14 September 2024: The smallest were Genus Lepisiota and the largest were Genus Campinotus. The others were Genus Tapinoma and Complex Pheidole pallidula
Most interesting were two different species which I saw at 14.56 and then 4 hours later that day at 18.25, feeding on what I think was the same body of a dead bee (probably Amegilla). (Both photos were taken in exactly the same location.)
Genus Lepisiota
Complex Pheidole pallidula               
Posted on September 19, 2024 10:56 AM by cf125 cf125 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

September 17, 2024

Phlegra lineata and Phlegra theseusi (Salticidae)

The Jumping-spider record at (see photo below) has been identified as being possibly Phlegra lineata or (unlikely) Phlegra theseusi. Information about these species is difficult to find online, and the following links are relevant.


These records look similar:


P. lineata and P. theseusi are both illustrated here (Metzner):

P. lineata:

P. theseusi:

Wikipedia mentions these:

  • "P. lineata (C. L. Koch, 1846) – Southern Europe, Turkey, Syria, Russia (Caucasus)"
  • "P. theseusi Logunov, 2001 – Greece (Crete)"
Posted on September 17, 2024 03:25 PM by cf125 cf125 | 1 observation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

August 25, 2024

Videos related to my records

1 obs Megalepthyphantes genus No common name 2024-05-04 17:43 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK A Megalepthyphantes spider and a beetle larva YouTube video
2 obs Ichneumonidae family Ichneumonid wasps 2024-05-04 17:30 Battersea Park London SW11 4NJ, UK Black body, thick, straight ovipositor, brown-orange legs. Small. On a Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus). YouTube video
3 obs Oribatida suborder Beetle mites 2024-04-16 07:02 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK I was looking for a tardigrade in moss. I did not find one, but I found what might be an Oribatid Beetle Mite. I looked at this web page: link YouTube video
4 obs Orchesella cincta No common name 2024-03-02 12:47 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK This was on a moss specimen from the bark of a London Plane which I was examining. Right antenna shorter than left antenna. YouTube video
5 obs Acromyrmex genus Acromyrmex leaf-cutter ants 2023-12-17 11:37 Huiliches Department, Neuquén Province, Argentina Leaf-cutter ants - possibly Acromyrmex lobicornis. YouTube video 1
YouTube video 2
YouTube video 3
6 obs Nuctenea umbratica Walnut orbweaver 2023-08-28 13:41 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK This spider retrieved a fly from its web, wrapped the fly, and returned to a hole in the bark of a London Plane. YouTube video
7 obs Aeshna cyanea Southern hawker 2023-08-06 12:50 Battersea Park, London SW11 8AE, UK This record is of the insect on the left of the picture. The insect on the right appears to be eating the insect on the left. YouTube video
8 obs Anax imperator Blue emperor 2023-08-06 12:47 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK The record is of the insect on the right of the picture. Photo 5 shows the faces of the two insects. The insect on the right appears to be eating the insect on the left. YouTube video
9 obs Harmonia axyridis Asian lady beetle 2023-07-30 13:06 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK Ladybirds mating YouTube video
10 obs Henia vesuviana White-striped centipede 2023-03-27 12:03 Battersea Park, London SW11 8AE, UK A centipede seen under an old log strangling a woodlouse. YouTube video
Posted on August 25, 2024 04:51 PM by cf125 cf125 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

July 24, 2024

North-east corner of Battersea Park - near Chelsea Bridge

There is an area of trees, long grass and rough vegetation in the north-east corner of Battersea Park (beside the River Thames in Central London) where the vegetation has been allowed to grow longer. I have been able to see a number of unusual or under-recorded species in this area, in particular on the Daucus carota. The area is approximately 50 metres x 50 metres.

Since 1 January 2024 I have posted 129 observations of 79 species in this area, mostly of invertebrates. 65 are insect species. In addition to these there will have been other species which I have not recorded this year because I have recorded them in earlier years. 45 of the 79 species are Research grade.

Here is a link to my observations since 1 January 2024:

These are the most interesting:

  • Holopyga generosa, a blue and red cuckoo wasp with 20 records on Inaturalist/GBIF
  • Eriothrix rufomaculata , Red-spotted parasite fly
  • Maleanargia galathea, Marbled White butterfly
  • Ochlodes sylvanus, Large Skipper butterfly
  • Manioloa jurtina, Meadow Brown butterfly
  • a nursery web of Pisaura nobilis, the Nursery Web Spider
  • a Misunema vatia, Golden-rod Crap Spider, with flies sharing its Honey Bee prey

Since 30 Augst 2022 I have posted 282 observations of 151 species in this area. 92 species are Research grade.

Posted on July 24, 2024 02:11 PM by cf125 cf125 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

July 19, 2024

Phalacrotophora - records from the United Kingdom

As at 19 July 2024 Inaturalist has 8 United Kingdom records of the genus (none Research Grade).

NBN Atlas - 28 records:

GBIF - 25 UK records:

Description of Phoridae:

Posted on July 19, 2024 10:34 AM by cf125 cf125 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Holopyga generosa/ovata - records from the United Kingdom

The following table includes records for Holopyga genus, as all existing UK records are for just one species, Holopyga generosa (syn. ovata), as at 21 July 2024

Inaturalist UK total 18
Inaturalist UK Research grade 12
Inaturalist UK before 2021 0
Inaturalist UK 2021 (June/July) 1
Inaturalist UK 2022 (June/July) 2
Inaturalist UK 2023 (June/July) 7
Inaturalist UK 2024 (2 June-21 July) 8
GBIF total 20
GBIF from BWARS (and not from Inaturalist) 4
GBIF before 2020 0
GBIF 2020 1
GBIF 2021 2
GBIF 2022 3
GBIF 2023 6
GBIF 2024 (to 19 July) 2
NBN Atlas (from BWARS/Irecord) total 4

Inaturalist records:
GBIF UK - all in South-east England:
NBN Atlas:

Posted on July 19, 2024 10:18 AM by cf125 cf125 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

July 6, 2024

Observations of Dasylobus graniferus in the United Kingdom

There are 7 United Kingdom observations of this Harvestman on Inaturalist, all in Greater London, with the first being on 14 May 2022.

6 observations were made on the same wall in a domestic garden near Epsom in 2022, 2023 and 2024. See

The other observation was made in Battersea Park, Central London, on 17 April 2022. It was motionless on a leaf of Smyrnium olusatrum. Despite many searches thereafter, it has not been seen there again. The initial identification as D. granifera was made by @ldvn, an Opiliones researcher in France.

All observations were of females, and were in April and May. The same records are on GBIF:
There are no records on NBN Atlas and the species is not listed there.

Further details about the species here:

Dasylobus Graniferus in Battersea Park on 17 April 2022 © Clive Freedman, some rights reserved (CC-BY)

Posted on July 6, 2024 10:27 AM by cf125 cf125 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Observations of Isodontia mexicana in the United Kingdom

The first time I saw this wasp was on 27 August 2022, in the Herb Garden in Battersea Park. . It was on Goldenrod (Solidago}. The next day I saw it again but I did not manage to get a photo.

I saw it again 2 weeks later, on 10 September 2022, and this time I was able to take better photos.

The first sighting in the United Kingdom, in Greenwich, SE London, had been in August 2016.

By the time of my first sighting there had been 6 records on Inaturalist.

This is the link to all the 15 records on Inaturalist, 8 of which were in Greater London and the others in SE England (Thames Estuary at Southend-on-Sea) and the South Midlands (near Royal Leamington Spa).
6 of these records were in 2022 and 5 were in 2023.

There are 15 records on GBIF, of which 12 are from Inaturalist.
The other three records on GBIF are the only three records which are on NBN Atlas.

Isodontia mexicana in Battersea Park, London, on 10 September 2022 © Clive Freedman, some rights reserved (CC-BY)

Posted on July 6, 2024 10:06 AM by cf125 cf125 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Gorytes laticinctus and quadrifasciatus in the United Kingdom

This chart shows that in 2016 UK observations of G. laticinctus recorded at NBN Atlas became more frequent than observations of G. quadrifasciatus:

There is not much information about these two species online, so I have collected some links.

For differences between the two species, see:

Other links:

Goytes laticinctus in Battersea Park on 17 June 2024 © Clive Freedman, some rights reserved (CC-BY)

Posted on July 6, 2024 09:41 AM by cf125 cf125 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

June 16, 2024

Organisms seen on or near London Planes (Platanus x hispanica)

This is a link to my observations on Inaturalist of organisms (other than plants) which I have seen on or near London Planes (Platanus x hispanica), mostly in Battersea Park:

There are about 50 species.

This link is to other plants growing on or beside London Planes:

Details of the species seen are set out in the following tables, updated on 16 June 2024. Click on "obs" to view my photographs of the observation. Click on the species name to see a Google search for the species. There is a link from the common name to a Google search to

Species identifications may not be correct, particularly for "Needs ID" observations.

ref seen number research name common family order iconictaxon id
1   1    1    0 Anyphaena numida No common name Anyphaenidae Araneae Arachnida 179110925
2   2    2    Araneae order Spiders Araneae Araneae Arachnida 176965779
3   1    1    Gibbaranea genus No common name Araneidae Araneae Arachnida 164040083
4   1    1    Theridiidae family Comb-footed spiders Theridiidae Araneae Arachnida 184752999
5   1    1    1 Opilio canestrinii Canestrini's harvestman Phalangiidae Opiliones Arachnida 172633683
6   2    2    0 Eriophyes tiliae Red nail gall mite Eriophyidae Sarcoptiformes Arachnida 127568562
7   1    1    1 Ptychostomum rubens Crimson-tuber bryum Bryaceae Bryales Bryophyta 203445554
8   1    1    Ganoderma genus Artist's brackets, reishi, and allies Polyporaceae Polyporales Fungi 125408462
9   1    1    1 Pseudovadonia livida Fairy-ring longhorn beetle Cerambycidae Coleoptera Insecta 225090867
10   3    3    3 Adalia bipunctata Two-spotted lady beetle Coccinellidae Coleoptera Insecta 172814232
11   3    3    3 Adalia decempunctata 10-spot ladybird Coccinellidae Coleoptera Insecta 172814246
12   2    2    Coccinellidae family Lady beetles Coccinellidae Coleoptera Insecta 173052074
13   1    1    1 Harmonia axyridis conspicua No common name Coccinellidae Coleoptera Insecta 176965756
14   1    1    1 Harmonia axyridis spectabilis No common name Coccinellidae Coleoptera Insecta 173659225
15   3    3    3 Contarinia tiliarum Lime leaf-stalk gall-midge Cecidomyiidae Diptera Insecta 223031412
16   1    1    Ceratopogonidae family Biting midges Ceratopogonidae Diptera Insecta 157151334
17   1    1    Dolichopodidae family Long-legged flies Dolichopodidae Diptera Insecta 173478683
18   2    2    2 Syrphus genus Common flower flies Syrphidae Diptera Insecta 165952698
19   4    4    0 Eucallipterus tiliae Lime leaf aphid Aphididae Hemiptera Insecta 158108521
20   1    1    Cicadellidae family Typical leafhoppers Cicadellidae Hemiptera Insecta 184753089
21   2    2    Hebata genus No common name Cicadellidae Hemiptera Insecta 172633676
22   1    1    0 Hebata vitis No common name Cicadellidae Hemiptera Insecta 175969983
23   1    1    Pulvinaria genus No common name Coccidae Hemiptera Insecta 128012523
24   1    1    0 Pulvinaria regalis Horse-chestnut scale Coccidae Hemiptera Insecta 154812021
25   1    1    0 Arocatus roeselii No common name Lygaeidae Hemiptera Insecta 173052357
26   2    2    2 Campyloneura virgula No common name Miridae Hemiptera Insecta 173051997
27   1    1    1 Deraeocoris lutescens No common name Miridae Hemiptera Insecta 178398053
28   1    1    Miridae family Plant bugs Miridae Hemiptera Insecta 164039922
29   1    1    0 Pinalitus cervinus No common name Miridae Hemiptera Insecta 226839916
30   1    1    1 Pristiphora leucopus No common name Tenthredinidae Hymenoptera Insecta 125408452
31   1    1    Agriopis genus No common name Geometridae Lepidoptera Insecta 164017189
32   1    1    0 Phyllonorycter platani London midget Gracillariidae Lepidoptera Insecta 176741497
33   1    1    Lepidoptera order Butterflies and moths Lepidoptera Lepidoptera Insecta 165949442
34   4    4    4 Mimas tiliae Lime hawkmoth Sphingidae Lepidoptera Insecta 167504247
35   1    1    Meconema genus No common name Tettigoniidae Orthoptera Insecta 173052423
36   3    3    3 Meconema meridionale Southern oak bush-cricket Tettigoniidae Orthoptera Insecta 172743815
37   1    1    Pterygota subclass Winged and once-winged insects Pterygota Pterygota Insecta 177139584
38   1    1    Tilia genus Lindens, basswoods, and lime trees Malvaceae Malvales Plantae 206565380
39   1    1    0 Tilia cordata Small-leaved lime Malvaceae Malvales Plantae 218048387
40   1    1    0 Tilia tomentosa Silver lime Malvaceae Malvales Plantae 219338382
ref photo taxon common family type rank user date location obscured IDs identifier updatedtime grade description
1 obs Anyphaena numida
No common name Anyphaenidae Arachnida species cf125 2023-08-18 11:10 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 naja_drassodes 2024-06-14 22:51 BST needs_id . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
2 obs Araneae order
Spiders Araneae Arachnida order cf125 2023-08-14 12:38 London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 mishanook 2023-08-14 16:54 BST needs_id This was about 1 mm, and beyond the limits of my smartphone camera. I am not expecting an ID. . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
3 obs Araneae order
Spiders Araneae Arachnida order cf125 2023-08-06 12:15 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 naja_drassodes 2023-08-06 20:32 BST needs_id When I checked this photo, I found I had a photo of a tiny spider (and some Arocatus roeselii) . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
4 obs Gibbaranea genus
No common name Araneidae Arachnida genus cf125 2023-05-27 18:18 Battersea Park, London, UK 2 cf125 2023-08-15 11:45 BST needs_id When I first saw this it was possibly preparing to eat a scale insect (photo 3). On a Tilia. The scale insect is probably Pulvinaria (previously recorded). A round scale insect can be seen in photo 1 above and to the left of the spider. . Gibbaranea gibbosa. . Tags: ['Tilia'].
5 obs Eriophyes tiliae
Red nail gall mite Eriophyidae Arachnida species cf125 2024-06-18 13:08 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2024-06-19 07:34 BST needs_id .
6 obs Eriophyes tiliae
Red nail gall mite Eriophyidae Arachnida species cf125 2022-07-20 11:01 Cricket Pavilion, Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2022-07-23 20:50 needs_id . gall
7 obs Opilio canestrinii
Canestrini's harvestman Phalangiidae Arachnida species cf125 2023-07-12 19:40 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 3 ldvn 2023-07-13 20:11 research On a Lime leaf (Tilia) . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
8 obs Theridiidae family
Comb-footed spiders Theridiidae Arachnida family cf125 2023-09-24 15:40 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 3 naja_drassodes 2023-10-06 01:32 BST needs_id Not sure about the ID. Very small. Seen on the underside of a leaf of Lime (Tilia). . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
9 obs Ptychostomum rubens
Crimson-tuber bryum Bryaceae Bryophyta species cf125 2024-03-21 12:29 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 tayloria 2024-03-22 09:24 BST research See the tubers in photo 2 (after rinsing the soil off). Possibly the tubers look dull red rather than bright red. Growing with Marchantia polymorpha and weeds in a disused flower bed, beside the fountain pond, under trees (Tilia). . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
10 obs Ganoderma genus
Artist's brackets, reishi, and allies Polyporaceae Fungi genus cf125 2022-06-16 17:28 Battersea Park, London, UK 3 cf125 2022-07-09 14:24 BST needs_id This is very hard. It may be where a Tilia used to be. . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
11 obs Eucallipterus tiliae
Lime leaf aphid Aphididae Insecta species cf125 2024-07-02 11:30 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2024-07-03 07:16 BST needs_id On the underside of a leaf of Lime (Tilia) .
12 obs Eucallipterus tiliae
Lime leaf aphid Aphididae Insecta species cf125 2024-07-02 11:29 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2024-07-03 07:16 BST needs_id On the underside of a leaf of Lime (Tilia) .
13 obs Eucallipterus tiliae
Lime leaf aphid Aphididae Insecta species cf125 2024-06-16 15:42 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2024-06-16 16:12 BST needs_id On the underside of a leaf of Tilia x euchlora.
14 obs Eucallipterus tiliae
Lime leaf aphid Aphididae Insecta species cf125 2023-04-30 12:34 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2023-04-30 15:37 BST needs_id On recently opened lime leaves.
15 obs Contarinia tiliarum
Lime leaf-stalk gall-midge Cecidomyiidae Insecta species cf125 2024-06-18 13:04 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 sk53 2024-06-21 15:54 BST research These are examples from around 20 of these which were on the suckers of the same Lime tree (Tilia). The suckers had been cut back on a date after 14 August 2023 and had grown again. It is thought that that these galls are more common on suckers, especially after the suckers have been pruned. See the comments on
16 obs Contarinia tiliarum
Lime leaf-stalk gall-midge Cecidomyiidae Insecta species cf125 2024-06-13 14:39 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 sk53 2024-06-13 17:25 BST research . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
17 obs Contarinia tiliarum
Lime leaf-stalk gall-midge Cecidomyiidae Insecta species cf125 2021-06-13 13:16 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 sk53 2024-06-16 18:35 BST research . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
18 obs Pseudovadonia livida
Fairy-ring longhorn beetle Cerambycidae Insecta species cf125 2024-06-25 12:45 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 hafren 2024-06-25 15:32 BST research On Lime flowers (Tilia) .
19 obs Ceratopogonidae family
Biting midges Ceratopogonidae Insecta family cf125 2023-04-28 14:49 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 3 sjthomas 2023-05-10 13:53 BST needs_id On Tilia. adult, alive. Tags: ['Tilia', 'bp'].
20 obs Cicadellidae family
Typical leafhoppers Cicadellidae Insecta family cf125 2023-09-24 15:41 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2023-09-24 21:00 BST needs_id On the underside of a leaf of Lime (Tilia) . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
21 obs Hebata genus
No common name Cicadellidae Insecta genus cf125 2023-07-15 15:41 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 3 cf125 2023-07-31 18:54 BST needs_id On a leaf of Lime (Tilia) . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
22 obs Hebata genus
No common name Cicadellidae Insecta genus cf125 2023-07-12 19:39 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 3 cf125 2023-07-31 18:54 BST needs_id On the underside of a leaf of Lime (Tilia). Around 5 mm. . Tags: ['Tilia'].
23 obs Hebata vitis
No common name Cicadellidae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-31 14:02 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2023-07-31 18:59 BST needs_id On the underside of a leaf of Lime (Tilia) . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
24 obs Pulvinaria genus
No common name Coccidae Insecta genus cf125 2022-05-28 12:39 Battersea Park, London, UK 7 cf125 2022-11-04 07:21 needs_id On Tilia cordata. explained. . Tags: ['Tilia'].
25 obs Pulvinaria regalis
Horse-chestnut scale Coccidae Insecta species cf125 2023-04-14 13:52 Battersea Park, London, UK 2 cf125 2023-04-14 18:55 BST needs_id On Tilia cordata. See for records of this insect on the same twig in May and November 2022. . . Tags: ['Tilia', 'unusual', 'bp'].
26 obs Adalia bipunctata
Two-spotted lady beetle Coccinellidae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-15 15:43 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 lucasbenaiche 2023-07-15 20:23 research . adult. Tags: ['Tilia'].
27 obs Adalia bipunctata
Two-spotted lady beetle Coccinellidae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-15 15:33 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 3 lucasbenaiche 2023-07-15 20:20 research . adult. Tags: ['Tilia'].
28 obs Adalia bipunctata
Two-spotted lady beetle Coccinellidae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-13 18:46 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 that_bug_guy 2023-07-14 11:47 research . adult. Tags: ['Tilia'].
29 obs Adalia decempunctata
10-spot ladybird Coccinellidae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-24 12:14 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 lucasbenaiche 2023-07-25 11:41 research This was very small. . adult. Tags: ['Tilia'].
30 obs Adalia decempunctata
10-spot ladybird Coccinellidae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-15 15:39 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 lucasbenaiche 2023-07-15 20:20 research . adult. Tags: ['Tilia'].
31 obs Adalia decempunctata
10-spot ladybird Coccinellidae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-14 09:19 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 that_bug_guy 2023-07-14 11:48 research On a curled leaf among the suckers of a Lime (Tilia) . adult. Tags: ['Tilia'].
32 obs Coccinellidae family
Lady beetles Coccinellidae Insecta family cf125 2023-07-18 10:39 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2023-07-18 21:49 BST needs_id . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
33 obs Coccinellidae family
Lady beetles Coccinellidae Insecta family cf125 2023-07-15 15:40 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2023-07-15 18:31 BST needs_id ? . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
34 obs Harmonia axyridis conspicua form
No common name Coccinellidae Insecta form cf125 2023-08-06 12:15 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 that_bug_guy 2023-08-06 17:48 research (Also a spider, recorded separately, and some Arocatus roeselii) . adult. Tags: ['Tilia', 'unusual'].
35 obs Harmonia axyridis spectabilis form
No common name Coccinellidae Insecta form cf125 2023-07-18 10:37 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 5 cf125 2023-07-19 19:56 BST research . adult. Tags: ['Tilia'].
36 obs Dolichopodidae family
Long-legged flies Dolichopodidae Insecta family cf125 2023-07-17 11:33 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 cf125 2024-06-16 08:13 BST needs_id . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
37 obs Agriopis genus
No common name Geometridae Insecta genus cf125 2023-05-27 11:25 Wimbledon, London, UK 2 prunhel 2023-06-03 19:26 needs_id On a Tilia. larva. larva. Tags: ['Tilia'].
38 obs Phyllonorycter platani
London midget Gracillariidae Insecta species cf125 2023-08-05 10:08 London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2023-08-05 10:48 BST needs_id On the underside of a leaf of Lime (Tilia), beneath the canopy of London Planes. adult. Tags: ['Tilia'].
39 obs Lepidoptera order
Butterflies and moths Lepidoptera Insecta order cf125 2023-05-30 09:59 Fulham, London SW6 3DR, UK 2 quinnhk 2023-07-15 13:39 BST needs_id Under an Acer pseudoplatanus and a Tilia x europaea . larva. larva
40 obs Arocatus roeselii
No common name Lygaeidae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-15 15:46 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2023-07-15 17:33 needs_id Seen on suckers of Lime (Tilia) A side-on photo. . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
41 obs Campyloneura virgula
No common name Miridae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-31 14:00 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 manval 2023-07-31 23:22 research On a leaf of Lime (Tilia) . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
42 obs Campyloneura virgula
No common name Miridae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-15 15:36 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 3 cf125 2023-07-15 18:36 BST research On leaf of Lime (Tilia) . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
43 obs Deraeocoris lutescens
No common name Miridae Insecta species cf125 2023-08-14 17:27 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 3 orliacnicolas 2023-08-15 08:28 research Less than 5 mm. . Tags: ['Tilia'].
44 obs Miridae family
Plant bugs Miridae Insecta family cf125 2023-05-27 13:46 Wimbledon, London, UK 3 maxbarclay 2024-06-16 03:15 BST needs_id This was upside down on a slightly sticky Tilia leaf. It fell off before I could get a better photo. . dead. Tags: ['Tilia'].
45 obs Pinalitus cervinus
No common name Miridae Insecta species cf125 2024-07-02 11:29 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2024-07-03 07:16 BST needs_id On the underside of a leaf of Lime (Tilia) .
46 obs Pterygota subclass
Winged and once-winged insects Pterygota Insecta subclass cf125 2023-08-07 10:12 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2023-08-07 10:31 BST needs_id Under a curled leaf of Lime (Tilia) . . Tags: ['Tilia'].
47 obs Mimas tiliae
Lime hawkmoth Sphingidae Insecta species cf125 2024-05-09 08:26 Battersea Park, London SW11 4DN, UK 3 stomlins701 2024-05-09 08:38 research Found in a moth trap. . Tags: ['mothtrap'].
48 obs Mimas tiliae
Lime hawkmoth Sphingidae Insecta species cf125 2023-08-08 11:34 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 stomlins701 2023-08-09 00:59 BST research Seen on a tarmac path. larva. larva
49 obs Mimas tiliae
Lime hawkmoth Sphingidae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-24 12:16 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 xov200 2023-07-25 14:51 BST research . larva. larva. Tags: ['Tilia', 'bp'].
50 obs Mimas tiliae
Lime hawkmoth Sphingidae Insecta species cf125 2023-06-15 08:21 Battersea Park, London SW11 4DN, UK 2 stomlins701 2023-06-15 05:58 research Found in a mothtrap. . . Tags: ['mothtrap'].
51 obs Syrphus genus
Common flower flies Syrphidae Insecta genus cf125 2023-09-30 12:45 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 3 matthewvosper 2023-11-30 15:59 research On a leaf of Lime (Tilia) . larva. Tags: ['Tilia'].
52 obs Syrphus genus
Common flower flies Syrphidae Insecta genus cf125 2023-06-06 17:16 London SW11 4NJ, UK 3 matthewvosper 2023-11-30 13:32 research On a Tilia platyphyllos or Tilia x europaea . larva. Tags: ['Tilia'].
53 obs Pristiphora leucopus
No common name Tenthredinidae Insecta species cf125 2022-06-16 12:44 Battersea, London, UK 4 henri_s 2023-02-19 12:38 research . explained. larva. Tags: ['unusual', 'Tilia'].
54 obs Meconema genus
No common name Tettigoniidae Insecta genus cf125 2023-07-15 15:48 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 2 ephippiger 2023-07-16 08:52 needs_id On a leaf of Lime (Tilia). This one was smaller than the others which I have recently seen nearby.. . Tags: ['Tilia'].
55 obs Meconema meridionale
Southern oak bush-cricket Tettigoniidae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-19 08:48 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 3 misumeta 2023-07-19 23:38 research Seen under the same leaf as the leaf where I saw a male and a female 4 and 6 days ago. . Tags: ['Tilia'].
56 obs Meconema meridionale
Southern oak bush-cricket Tettigoniidae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-15 15:33 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 3 ephippiger 2023-07-16 08:35 research This was on the same Lime leaf as the one which I recorded two days ago, but it evidently has no ovipositor [edited after comments]. . male. Tags: ['Tilia'].
57 obs Meconema meridionale
Southern oak bush-cricket Tettigoniidae Insecta species cf125 2023-07-13 18:53 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 4 ephippiger 2023-07-15 09:06 research Seen on the underside of a leaf among the suckers at the foot of a Lime tree (Tilia) . nymph, female. Tags: ['Tilia'].
58 obs Tilia genus
Lindens, basswoods, and lime trees Malvaceae Plantae genus cf125 2024-04-10 13:21 Battersea Park, London SW11 4NJ, UK 1 cf125 2024-04-11 08:01 BST needs_id Lime seedlings with no mature tree nearby. .
59 obs Tilia cordata
Small-leaved lime Malvaceae Plantae species cf125 2024-05-18 09:39 Thorpe Market, Norwich NR11 8TX, UK 1 cf125 2024-05-25 07:04 BST needs_id .
60 obs Tilia tomentosa
Silver lime Malvaceae Plantae species cf125 2024-05-19 12:58 Norwich NR11 7LZ, UK 1 cf125 2024-05-30 16:31 BST needs_id .
Posted on June 16, 2024 04:03 PM by cf125 cf125 | 0 comments | Leave a comment
