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Journal archives for May 2018

May 18, 2018

Are there fish in this super polluted creek?

According to local anglers, the creeks in Longview have zero fish in them. Well, they're wrong because I have caught a LOT of fish in these creeks! I haven't found any of the large game fish like largemouth bass, just little ones. In one of the creeks today, I saw six species of fish:

Bluegill (caught)
Longear Sunfish (caught)
Blackstripe Topminnow (caught)
Channel Catfish (caught, all small specimens under legal limit)
Spotted Gar (caught by accident, escaped)
Unknown micro species, possibly Blacktail Shiner (seen, not caught)

When I was trying to catch the sunfish, a spotted gar suddenly attacked my bobber and tried to eat it. It then attacked my worm, but since I was using thin microfish line, it bit off the hook & swam off. Tomorrow I am going to back to that spot with my heavy pole and line to catch the gar for an observation photo.

I've had to obscure the location of these catches because according to TCEQ, Longview's creeks are so heavily contaminated with raw sewage that you shouldn't enter the water, and I don't want to accidentally encourage unknowing people to wade in those creeks and get sick.

Posted on May 18, 2018 02:40 AM by cosmiccat cosmiccat | 4 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

May 27, 2018

A Shiny Magikarp in the Sabine River?

I've been trying to add a lot of fish observations in the NE TX area, in as many places as I can. Today I went to Old Sabine Bottom WMA and fished the river. That section of the river was full of turtles, who ate all my worms. However, I managed to catch three small fish.

I left the park for another boat ramp near Hawkins. I passed it on the way to park and wanted to take a look before going home. This section of the Sabine was at the bottom of a sandstone ravine. I walked along the rocky shore and took some mussel observations pictures and then I saw it---a big albino carp. Since I didn't have any more bait, I couldn't try to catch it for a photo. I'll go back tomorrow with lots more worms and explore that section of the Sabine.

Posted on May 27, 2018 04:53 AM by cosmiccat cosmiccat | 3 observations | 2 comments | Leave a comment