Journal archives for July 2024

July 2, 2024

Dalmatian Toadflax Student Weed Pull

As part of our school visits last month, CSISS has had some helpers for pulling weeds! Students from the local elementary schools in Revelstoke have been lending a hand to remove Dalmatian Toadflax. This invasive species spreads through roots and seeds, is toxic to livestock, and displaces native species. The students dug up the roots and pulled out flowering stems of the plants and removed several patches from the local Greenbelt trail. Good work everyone!

Key ID features of Dalmatian Toadflax:

  • yellow flowers that resemble snap dragons
  • heart shaped leaves
  • pale green alternate leaves that attach to the stem
  • milky sap
Posted on July 2, 2024 05:45 PM by csiss csiss | 1 observation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

July 23, 2024

On Alert for Black Henbane

For the first time, Black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) has been confirmed in Golden!

Why is this sighting of Black Henbane in Golden bad news?

  • Listed as a provincial Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) species - we want to catch it early before it establishes in the province.
  • Toxic to humans and animals
  • Harbors major crop pests, threatening food security
  • Difficult to eradicate once established
  • Prevents native plant growth by creating dense shade and leaf litter
  • Thrives in agricultural and disturbed areas

What can you do?
Report sightings using iNaturalist or via the Report Invasive Species app or email

Prevention is key!

  • Play Clean Go: Make sure to clean off seeds that might have attached to your clothing, equipment, and vehicle after being on the trails and before heading somewhere new!
  • Be Plantwise and make informed choices for your garden.
Posted on July 23, 2024 09:04 PM by csiss csiss | 0 comments | Leave a comment