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Journal archives for January 2020

January 13, 2020

How many cultivated plants are marked as such on iNaturalist?

Thought I'd try to address this question with a semi-scientific approach:

For the past year (1/12/2020 - 1/12/2019) in a 25 square-mile square centered on Blacksburg, VA:

To the best of my ability to determine, there have been:

131 certainly cultivated, marked wild (plants in orderly rows in flower beds, landscape plantings, hanging baskets, houseplants, exotic trees not known to spread from cultivation, etc.)
90 probably cultivated, marked wild (mostly street trees and commonly cultivated plants that could conceivably be escapes or otherwise wild, but are almost certainly planted, just lacking in enough photo context clues to be certain)
1150 probably wild, marked wild (when in doubt, or totally confused, I chose this category)
131 certainly cultivated, marked cultivated
5 probably wild, marked casual (for some reason other than "captive/cultivated")
2 probably wild, marked cultivated (both were chickory, which were growing as weeds in a lawn) for 1509 tracheophytes in the Blacksburg area:

76%-83% observations were of wild plants;
17%-23% observations were of cultivated plants;

of the cultivated plants:
37% were definitely incorrectly marked as wild;
62% were likely incorrectly marked as wild.
37% were definitely correctly marked as wild.

Posted on January 13, 2020 02:09 AM by ddennism ddennism | 4 comments | Leave a comment