March 22, 2024

Earthworm Field Guides

I have been trying to identify earthworms in North America for a couple years now. I have been using several guides to identify these earthworms and I have stumbled across some others that might apply to other parts of the world. Below I will be posting links to these guides. I hope you find these useful.

Canada / Northern USA:

UK (will work for most species in the USA because most are introduced from the UK. This is the main guide I use for identifying earthworms):

France (appears to include a lot of niche species, but the taxonomy may be outdated, I have not personally used this guide): (linked under the original description tab)

Posted on March 22, 2024 03:52 PM by dominid dominid | 0 comments | Leave a comment

September 27, 2023

The break up of the project is complete

Hello everyone, for a long time now I have been working on breaking the species of conservation concern in New York state project into several smaller projects because the old one got so big that it would no longer accept new taxa. I have finally finished adding all of the taxa from the old project into the new projects.
This is a list of these new mini projects with links:

Posted on September 27, 2023 01:26 PM by dominid dominid | 0 comments | Leave a comment
