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Journal archives for February 2020

February 3, 2020

Avian Osteology Jargon from Handbook of Avian Anatomy: The Skull

More specifically, Handbook of Avian Anatomy: Nomina Anatomica Avium Second Edition. By Julian J. Baumel and Lawrence M. Witme.

Posted on February 3, 2020 02:52 AM by lizardking lizardking | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Avian Osteology Jargon from Handbook of Avian Anatomy: The Body

More specifically, Handbook of Avian Anatomy: Nomina Anatomica Avium Second Edition. By Julian J. Baumel and Lawrence M. Witme.

Those look far more like chicken pelvises than turkey to me, but whatever

Posted on February 3, 2020 02:56 AM by lizardking lizardking | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Avian Osteology Jargon from Handbook of Avian Anatomy: The Limbs

More specifically, Handbook of Avian Anatomy: Nomina Anatomica Avium Second Edition. By Julian J. Baumel and Lawrence M. Witme.

Posted on February 3, 2020 02:57 AM by lizardking lizardking | 0 comments | Leave a comment

February 13, 2020

Parts of a Bird Pelvis

Some anatomical terms for elements of a bird pelvic girdle.
Some people use “synsacrum” as synonymous for the avian pelvis, but in reality the word only refers to the fused vertebral center. “Pelvic girdle” would be the more “correct” synonym.
See more jargon here:

General osteological definitions:
Foramen = hole/opening
Caudal = tail
Anterior = toward skull
Posterior = toward the tail
Process = Extension/projection

  1. Ischiadic foramen / foramen ilioishiodicum (Opening in the ischium)
  2. Acetabulum / foramen acetabula (This is where the femur articulates into the pelvis. Many confuse it for an eye socket.)
  3. Obturator foramen / foramen obturatum
  4. Processus caudalis
  5. Ischial angle / Angulus ischiadicus
  6. Pectineal process / process pectinealis (the “spike” below the acetabulum)
  7. Antitrochanter (the “spike” above the acetabulum)
  8. Pubis (The long thin bone)
  9. Posterior margin
  10. Central ridge
  11. Pre acetabular (before the acetabulum)
  12. Post acetabular (after the acetabulum)
  13. Anterior portion (there is also the “posterior portion” which I didn’t included for organization’s sake, it’s basically the lower part of the pelvis)
  14. Ilium
  15. Ischium
  16. Transverse process (The extensions off the side of the vertebra. I only had the arrow point to one example for organization’s sake, but all of them, from both the pre- and post- acetabulum, are included in this. These specific transverse processes are also known as parapophysis).
  17. Intervertebral formina (All of the gaps/holes in between the transverse processes, both pre- and post- acetabulum. It only has one arrow, again, for organization’s sake).
  18. Extermitas caudalis synsari (the extreme-most caudal vertebra of the synsacrum).

This pelvis is from a domestic muscovy duck.

(From left to right: Dorsal view, Lateral view, Ventral view.)

Posted on February 13, 2020 04:45 PM by lizardking lizardking | 1 comment | Leave a comment

February 27, 2020

Penguin Osteology Reference Master List

Posted on February 27, 2020 01:29 AM by lizardking lizardking | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Stork Osteology Reference Master List

Posted on February 27, 2020 01:34 AM by lizardking lizardking | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Apodiformes Osteology Reference Master List

Posted on February 27, 2020 01:36 AM by lizardking lizardking | 0 comments | Leave a comment

February 29, 2020

Domestic Muscovy Duck Quack Box/Bulla Bone/Syrnix

Couldn't find any good reference images for duck "quack boxes" online, so I decided it was well overdo I post better images of mine. I have some floating around iNat comments, but I think a journal post will be much easier to access and reference.
I don't know how I only now just found it, but a quick Google search showed Jake's Bones also has some bulla bone images, in the blog post "Strange bones #7 - the strangest bone yet ?", so I'll share that here too.
*3/17/20 update, found another voice box reference at Zygoma here, species uncertain. I also have a second Muscovy duck voice box on the way, in better condition than the one in this post.

"Quack boxes", or the bulla/bulla bone, are the syrinx of waterfowl. Syrinx as a whole are interesting phenomenon, an anatomical feature exclusive to birds. If you're interested in reading a study about the avian syrnix being an evolutionary novelty, you can find that in full and for free here. It's really not a bad read, I'd recommended at least reading the abstract and figure descriptions and skimming though the rest. If there are anatomical terms in this post that seem confusing, they're probably defined somewhere in that study.

The syrnix is inherently unique to birds, but the waterfowl syrnix is unique among birds. Their voice box looks in ways quite literally like a box.
Mine is unfortunately broken in a few places, but is complete enough it should give a good idea of what the bulla looks like. I have an observation attached to this journal that is a length of domestic Muscovy duck windpipe which I think shows the cartilage rings very well, but it is from a different specimen than the one that gave me this bulla.

On the top of the duck bulla you can see how the cartilage rings feed into the vocal organ itself.

Sadly from the top view you can see a lot of the damage.

In the image below you can see the back is very broken.

So that's my domestic Muscovy duck bulla bone. If there are any views that you would find helpful, message me and I'll gladly take more pictures.

Posted on February 29, 2020 07:43 PM by lizardking lizardking | 1 observation | 1 comment | Leave a comment