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Journal archives for May 2018

May 10, 2018

Packing in southern Michigan plants before traveling

The Michigan botany project is such fun. Susan and I spent a great day at Nan Weston Preserve in western Washtenaw County today. I've got to get my southern species in tomorrow and next Tuesday. I'm heading off to camp at Pt. Pelee in Ontario for four (possibly rainy) days. There should be enough birds and plants to keep me busy. None, of course relating to Michigan. But I will get to visit a beautiful old red mulberry and numerous dwarf hackberry, among many other special plants from Corydalis to Opuntia and more.

On the 30th of May Susan and I will be starting our grand western excursion. We will probably be on the road for a good month and a half. I will hopefully be posting photos along the way as most of our stops have Internet. We are anticipating being baffled by numerous western and Rocky Mountain plants and insects. We'll be find with the birds.

Our traveling library is being assembled - so we should at least have a fighting chance with plants. I am looking forward to southwestern lichens and will be hauling Bordo et al., the master tome on North American lichens.

Since most of our stops are Airbnbs I am hoping to get some black lighting in. Yes, I am ready for the frustration of western moths and anticipate spending a lot of time on the Moth Photographers website.

All of our stops are planned on interesting nature sites, so we will miss the popular tourist destinations.

So, everybody keep up the great botanical finds and I will return with a vengance to try and catch up with all of you.

More as the adventure progresses.


Posted on May 10, 2018 01:11 AM by makielb makielb | 0 comments | Leave a comment