July 19, 2024

Botanical Journey on Bornholm

Every year Jeroen and I visit an area to look at wild plants intensively during our holiday. In 2024 we went to Danish Island Bornholm for a week and tried to see as many plant-species there as possible. See our results on our website; https://www.botanicaljourneys.com/2024Bornholm.html . We found more than 700 species.

To see what was found on Bornholm earlier we used several online databases. We used mainly GBIF where most Danish flora-databases are gathered, and also saw the many links to nice observations on Inaturalist.

To say 'thank you' I will trie the coming weeks to agree with identifications or give my identification on plantobservations on the Island Bornholm.

Posted on July 19, 2024 03:13 PM by rutgerb rutgerb | 1 comment | Leave a comment
