May 31, 2022

Observation: Eastern gray squirrels


These are some observations from my interaction with a single squirrel that i saw one day, and i left an almond, it came back and ate it and i did not see that. One day it came and started looking at me through glass door. And i went to kitchen, picked an almond and opened the door, the squirrel then got scared and went far on to the balcony railing, at times it even climbs up the house if i make any sounds. It waits for me to put the almond on the floor, then it climbs down to have it.

Intelligent/Can see patterns
Squirrel comes back for treats everyday, so its intelligent

Has long term memory/intelligence
It got used to the treats for a month/1.5month, and I am absent at home for 6weeks.. It came back even after 6 weeks of no treats. It came back on the first week of my presence in the home. So it has longterm memory

This particular squirrel is very shy and it prefers to take the treat and eat beside the balcony door, where i cannot see. Even after many treats, it never allows me anywhere near it. It maintains the same distance as it maintained on the first day.

Adaptive behavioral changes (central park squirrels)
I noticed squirrels in central park are very rowdy and come very close, i believe they understood that visitors are treating a lot, and it changed their behavior.

I noticed this squirrel when it comes to my balcony is peeing and at times saw its droppings on railing. I understand it now. Its marking the territory so other squirrels won't come. I noticed it rub across 2 other corners of the balcony too

Posted on May 31, 2022 02:55 PM by vinaybysani vinaybysani | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Experience: Piping Plover

When i am on the beach, i see a board that says "Endangered species nesting ground, keep away. Federal and State law". I am super curious to photograph whats in there. I am outside the fence and I heard a new bird call, and i pursued and haven't seen any. After few mins, i realized its a chick on the sand, which is so very well camouflaged. This chick is out of the fence area on to the beach.

This chick is super curious, lively and cute. It keps hiding in the impressions created by humans walking. It would hide, and puts its head above just a little bit to see if am still around. If am moving, it would stay put. If i walk away/come towards it, it would move farther and hide under another foot impression. It did this for so many minutes.

There were times, when i did not give this bird enough attention, but i was photographing different bird. Even then, this small chick's attention is on me and constantly watching me. Its a mixture of caution and more of curiousity.

I thought this is from pixar movie "Piper", that turned out to be a sandpiper - totally different species in taxa

Also, i noticed an enclosure with mesh, had no idea what it is used for, until i read this in the wiki:
To protect the nests from predators during incubation, many conservationists use exclosures, such as round turkey-wire cages with screened tops. These allow the adults to move in and out but stop predators from getting to the eggs.

Also read this about its nesting habitat and i saw this too:
It builds its nests higher on the shore near beach grass and other objects

Also saw this:
It typically runs in short, quick spurts and then stops.

Posted on May 31, 2022 02:30 PM by vinaybysani vinaybysani | 1 observation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

May 28, 2022

Notes: Bird migration by Stan Tekiela


  • Most everything is tied to driving forces of the need to feed and the need to breed
  • 4000 species of birds migrate (of 11k total species)
  • Largest concentration of birds occurs in the tropics around equatorial belt

Neotropical migration
Spring: Birds from central/south america tropics migrate to Northern America for breeding
Fall: Birds leave to their original places to escape north america winters.

Early migrants advantates
Birds that return first in the spring claim the best territories with the best sources of food. These are most successful at reproducing. Male migrants seem to arrive early than female. All migrants are half their size due to their long travel. With ample food, so male migrants produce healthy looking feathers to advertise their prowess and attract the best females.

Peace in Winter (non-breeding season):
These migratory birds dont breed during winter, so theres no reason to claim territories and attract mates. Unlike the breeding season, when fighting for territory is the norm, birds generally coexist very well during the winter months, which is at southern places where they come from during spring.

Types of migration:
Complete migration: Generally all the birds travel long distances(hundreds to thousands of miles) under predictable times each year. (ex: Warblers, Tanagers).

Partial migration: Not all birds migrate, and not all migrate at same time. Few stay back etc. And most migrations here are not super long distances. They migrate when food is short in the area (ex: american robin, red tailed hawk)

Irruptive migration: No predictability here. migrations dont follow any rule/logic. The birds migrate for scarcity of food

Non-migration: There are birds who dont migrate, but their reason for success in surviving is very interesting. Few examples: "Black-capped Chikadee" - has 1500 feathers in summer, 2500 in winter."White breasted Nuthatch"- birds huddle in a shelter to generate heat. Some birds have different way to thermal regulation. Some birds enter a state of 'Torpor'. It happens when an animal slows its body functions to conserve energy and heat. The bird's heart rate will slow; so does its breathing and body temperature.

Fueling for the trip
Migrant birds increase their food consumption by 25-30% before migration. They go to fruit diet, since fruits to fat very faster, compared to nuts/insects. Birds have to aquire addition fat to burn, but cannot be overweight since they have to travel hundreds/thousands of miles.

Day migrants/Night migrants
Few birds prefer day migration and few birds prefer to migrate in the night.

Perks of Day migration: Having more sun in the day heats up the earth and creates warm air currents/thermals. Once birds ascend to the top of the column, they glide effortlessly. Few birds like Swallows eat flying insects during the day while migrating, Some birds stop quickly to feed (increases migration time though).

Perks of night migration: Most birds which migrate in the night dont migrate in flocks, they migrate individually. In the night, there is less air turbulence and hence airflows are easy to manage for birds. Also temperatures are cooler in the night, hence dehydration might not be as problematic. Also less chances of overheating of bodies, hence enabling birds to fly farther without stopping. Also few/no predators in the night. Its possible that navigation through stars might be a plus. Birds who migrate in the night are supposedly more successful.

Birds have navigation chip (genetic memory):
When birds migrate to north in spring, and breed. The juvinile birds even though only 1-2months old can migrate back to south, and how/who trains it? no one. In an experiment, some birds are caught and flown to various places in the country and released, and all of them went back to their seasonal home, easily (even though its not their usual migratory highway)
Exceptions: We always have exceptions. In this case, "Whooping crane" learns migratory path from their parents.

Theories for bird sense of navigation

  1. Olfactory map: Birds ability to smell odors that people cant detect
  2. Magnetic map: using earth's magnetic field
  3. Stars orientation: Especially the birds which migrate over night

4 Flyways

Most songbirds/smaller birds travel over night and fly at lower elevations. Larger birds fly at higher elevations. Songbirds fly below 2000 ft. 90% of night travelers fly below 6000 ft. High flyers like Mallards fly above 21000 ft. Eagles and vultures fly even higher - 29000 ft (height of boeing/airbus).

Birds migrate super fast in spring, almost like a competition for territory and breeding. Same birds come slowly over fall migration to south, taking breaks a day/two along the way, almost like no hurry

Flying Formations
Few birds fly in formations, few in straight lines, few species in v shape. All these formations have incredible advantages, it modulates airflow making it easy for flyers, ultimately saving energy

Birds can sense storms
Birds while migrating will deviate 300 miles at times, since they sense the storm long before we humans can

Some facts:

  • 1 billion birds die hitting glass windows every year
  • 7 million die from hitting cell phone towers/wind turbines
  • Millions are killed by domestic cats
Posted on May 28, 2022 12:05 AM by vinaybysani vinaybysani | 0 comments | Leave a comment
