TTF Watershed Partnership

Joined: Nov 2, 2017 Last Active: Sep 3, 2024 iNaturalist

Here at TTF, we’re all about connecting people to their creeks…because our mission is to improve the health of our watershed by engaging our communities in education, stewardship, restoration, and advocacy.

Across our watershed – from the headwaters in our upstream communities of Abington, Cheltenham, Jenkintown, Rockledge, and Springfield in Montgomery County – to our downstream neighborhoods in North, Northeast, and Northwest Philadelphia – we implement programs that educate neighbors and stakeholders about clean water issues and how we can all make a difference in own backyards, parks, and communities.

We know that watershed improvement requires us to manage the biggest source of water pollution: stormwater runoff. Across our watershed, we inform people about how green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) can improve our creeks. GSI addresses runoff by using plants and soil to soak up and clean rainwater where it falls. We have even installed a number of projects that showcase how GSI works! We’re proud to be a Philadelphia Water partner, supporting the Green City, Clean Waters plan to improve water quality through GSI.

In Philadelphia, in partnership with the Parks & Recreation and Water departments, we have a special focus on Tacony Creek Park, inviting neighbors to discover this historic urban watershed park and creek through a range of programs as well as engagement and improvement efforts. Activities include regular bird, nature, and history walks as well as annual block parties.

In our upstream communities, we work with many partners ranging from our member municipalities, to school districts, to institutions, to implement stream restoration and GSI projects. We’ve been able to expand our efforts encouraging and supporting our municipalities to undertake watershed improvement strategies as well as to implement restoration projects through the support of the Delaware River Watershed Initiative of the William Penn Foundation.

We are supported by our municipal partners, grants from foundations and government agencies, and corporate and individual donations.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @ttfwatershed

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