Mothing in DFW for National Moth Week (July 21 - 29) -- mark your calendars!

So, National Moth Week is a pretty fun time. It's a time where we can really focus on the nocturnal critters that come to lights! DFW has quite a few moth species documented so far too:,47654

We've got quite a few meet-ups planned for the DFW metroplex (well, in the proximity of DFW)... Hopefully you can come to some of these! All of these will start at around dusk (8:30ish) and end whenever they end -- usually like midnight or a bit before.

Saturday, July 21 - Acton Nature Center ( This is a public event, and the natural area is pretty nice. Not too much light pollution here, so I predict it will be some great mothing!

Wednesday, July 25 - Parr Park in Grapevine ( Another public event, and Parr Park has some really interesting plants, so I'm thinking there will be some nice moths.

Friday, July 27 - Palo Pinto Mountains State Park (FM2372, Strawn, TX 76475). This is a private event, and I've got special permission to get onto the area. I'm limited to only like 20 or so folks that can come to this, so PLEASE let me know if you want to come. Some of us are getting here earlier this day to explore some of the park too. There's like NO light pollution here, so it should be really interesting to see what comes to the lights at night. Also, a few of us are going to stay the night here -- either camping or nearby hotels.

*Saturday, July 28 - Heard Museum McKinney ( A wonderful spot with lots of diversity of plants, so again, I foresee some nice mothing. Notice: this is a fund raising event, so tickets will need to be purchased! Details in comments below...

Be sure to comment if you plan on coming to some/any of these! I'm planning on going to all of these. Also, if you know of others in the DFW/North Central TX area, let us know! :)

Posted on June 8, 2018 07:58 PM by sambiology sambiology


I plan to be at Acton, Parr Park and Palo Pinto if at all possible. Not sure about the Heard depends on how worn out I am after all the others. Ah who we kidding I'll probably go there too. Lol.

Posted by brentano over 6 years ago

Woo! I plan to come along to Acton, Parr, and the Heard Museum! I'll see if I can get out of work for Palo Pinto and follow up. If I can get off I'll be there early! :D

I was able to take off from work, so count me in for Palo Pinto! :)

Posted by wildcarrot over 6 years ago

I'm planning to be at all four events too.

Posted by annikaml over 6 years ago

Palo Pinto area is some of my childhood stomping grounds. I'm gonna try to make that work.

Posted by oddfitz over 6 years ago

I'd like to reserve a spot at Palo Pinto, please.

Posted by pfau_tarleton over 6 years ago

I'll see ya'll at the Heard =)

Posted by k8thegr8 over 6 years ago

Grapevine for sure. Thanks for inviting me.

Posted by sarahg over 6 years ago

Please count me in for Palo Pinto Sam. Thanks you!

Posted by jwn over 6 years ago

Full Moon mothing on the week I'm out of town? AND a trip to Palo Pinto Mountains State Park? I am verklempt.

Posted by amymoonlady over 6 years ago

I'd love to come to the Heard museum!

Posted by schylerbrown over 6 years ago

Definitely put me down for Palo Pinto SP! I'll probably make one or the other on Acton or Parr (maybe both, but not sure).

Posted by tadamcochran over 6 years ago

Note that the Heard event is a paid for event that you can read more about here: .. I can get some mothers in, but I will need to know ahead of time. Those mothing can participate in the mothing but not all the other activities unless you buy a ticket. Note also that I will be doing a moth presentation and would be happy to steal ideas from any of you that have done this. Otherwise I will put something together. If you are coming, Please let me know at or butterflies4fun so I can communicate times and place to meet at the Heard.. I know some of you are helping with the event and I really appreciate it!!!

Posted by butterflies4fun over 6 years ago

I may be in Colorado during this time, but I may be back for the very tail end of the week. Thanks for letting me know! I would love to be included in these kinds of opportunities going forward. Thanks again!

Posted by daricrogers over 6 years ago

YES! A couple of these look quite doable for me- Grapevine and the Heard. One or both of my teenagers (17 and 15) may be interested in coming also.

Amendment- maybe not the Heard unless I can get in to just do the mothing. I'll mull that one over.

Posted by jblinde over 6 years ago

I'm planning on coming to Grapevine for sure.

Posted by naturemom over 6 years ago

Will make a decision the closer we get to those dates. Look forward to making at least one of these events. Thanks!

Posted by aguilita over 6 years ago

Saturday, July 21st from 8:30-10:30 pm at LLELA there will be a "Bugs in a Blanket" program where we will use lights to attract moths and hike around the Blackjack Trail. Check us out!

Posted by tchapz over 6 years ago

@tmurr1225 FYI....

Posted by oddfitz about 6 years ago

@estep This is the kind of thing I was telling you about....if you're interested. :)

Posted by tadamcochran about 6 years ago

I will try to make all these. The most questionable is Parr Park because I have an early class the next day. @amymonroy Are we going to do something at Brookhaven again?

Posted by cameralenswrangler about 6 years ago

Hi everybody, want to come to the Parr Park event and I’m a newb so I apologize if I should know this but should we wear dark clothing or does it matter?

Posted by bkmcelroy about 6 years ago

@bkmcelroy No need to apologize! I would advice against white clothes since the UV light will reflect off you, especially white cotton, and you would find your self covered by insects and surrounded by photographers trying to get a picture of the bugs. :)

Posted by annikaml about 6 years ago

@bosqueaaron Are you planning to come to Acton?

Posted by kimberlietx about 6 years ago

So, I will not be able to make Acton Nature Center on Saturday afterall. I should be able to make Parr and definitely Palo Pinto!

Posted by tadamcochran about 6 years ago

@kimberlietx Unfortunately, no. Looks like I'll be stuck at Chili's working that night. :(
I'll be in Ruidoso, NM that next weekend if anyone will be out that way...

Posted by bosqueaaron about 6 years ago

So, there will be limited electrical outlets at Acton, Grapevine, and the Heard. If you've got some equipment on any of these nights, bring it just in case! :)

Posted by sambiology about 6 years ago

Hey folks,

Just an update about one event at Acton Nature Park. This event is still going on, but it's not going to be attended by the general public (only those of you hardcore moth-ers that are planning to come!). I totally understand the reasoning for this -- crazy hot temps tomorrow expected, and there are health concerns for general public.

Now, I do still hope you will join me at Acton! Just make sure to bring gallons and gallons and gallons of water.

@catenatus @wildcarrot @brentano @cameralenswrangler @annikaml

A note about all of these events too -- make sure to plan accordingly -- bring water. Drink when you're thirsty. Drink when you're not thirsty.

Posted by sambiology about 6 years ago

I'm still coming! With plenty of fluid, it's crazy hot!

Posted by annikaml about 6 years ago

I'll be there! I'm pre-hydrating tonight :D

Posted by wildcarrot about 6 years ago

I may have missed it, but what time are we meeting at Acton tomorrow?

Posted by wildcarrot about 6 years ago

It says 8:30ish, dusk. Second paragraph. :-)

Posted by annikaml about 6 years ago

Oops... Thaaanks!

Posted by wildcarrot about 6 years ago

I’ll probably get to Acton at about 7ish to work on setting up. I’ll have a mercury vapor, three black lights, and a smaller black light set up.

If there are any moths/nocturnal bugs in a 5 mile radius, they’ll be documented by us. ;)

Posted by sambiology about 6 years ago

My water and I will be there.

Posted by cameralenswrangler about 6 years ago

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