
U. grandiflora U. perfoliata U. sessilifolia U. puberula U. floridana
leaf attachment perfoliate perfoliate sessile sessile sessile
tepal planar curvature whole tepal twirls along long axis, apex may flare tepal margins may roll outwards, apex may flare apex may flare apex may flare tepal twirls distally along long axis, apex may flare
tepal abaxial surface smooth raised orange-yellow bumps smooth smooth smooth
stem cross-section at nodes terete terete angled angled, with rough puberulence along ridges angled
leaf abaxial surface pubescent glabrous-glaucous glabrous-glaucous puberulent(-glabrous) glabrous

U. floridana also has a leaf-like bract (very, very near the flower) that is absent in its close relatives (U. sessilifolia, U. puberula)

Posted on August 10, 2018 07:25 PM by ddennism ddennism


Thanks so much for putting these charts together! They're quite good! :)

Posted by sambiology about 6 years ago

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