My Oklahoma Adventure

I just came back from a four-day trip to Robber's Cave State Park, Oklahoma. I've been wanting to visit this park because of the gorgeous photos.

Day One: Friday
The weather was bad, so I spent the afternoon in my hotel.

Day Two: Saturday
The weather was clear and sunny, so I drove to the main fishing lake, hoping to catch species Texas doesn't have. When I got to the park, I realized that I had picked the wrong weekend for my trip. The park was having its annual fall festival. There was no parking available, so I had to to park a quarter of a mile down the road and walk. The actual festival was right on the shore of the main fishing lake, so I couldn't fish there. There was too much noise and too many people. I took some plant observation photos and walked back to the car. I spent the morning driving around, wondering what to do since going anywhere meant a really long walk. I decided to drive to the opposite end of the park, where the famous cave is. Maybe I could get away from the blaring music and crowds there.

I think everyone else had the same idea. There was no parking available, and there was a long line going up and down the trail. I went anyway and got a lot of photos of lichens and a very cute polyphemus moth caterpillar. The climb was difficult and treacherous. I was so worn out by then that I went back to the hotel.

Day Three: Sunday
I arrived at the park before the festival started in hopes of fishing at the lake before it got too crowded. It was so beautiful and peaceful that I wanted to stay all day. Steep sandstone cliffs lined the opposite side of the lake and I spotted an eagle mixed in with a swarm of vultures. I caught a few sunfish before the festival opened and I had to leave.

I stopped at the park store to get snacks and mentioned to one of the staff that I saw an eagle flying over cliffs. She was very excited because eagles are endangered in Oklahoma and no one had seen one in the park for years.

I walked down to the creek below the dam, where it was empty of people. I caught more fish.

Day Four: Monday
The festival ended the day before, so the park was mostly empty. However, I was so worn out and tired that I left after lunch.

Posted on October 23, 2018 11:45 PM by cosmiccat cosmiccat


Photos / Sounds


Greengill Sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus × cyanellus)




October 21, 2018 11:48 AM CDT

Photos / Sounds


Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)




October 21, 2018 10:18 AM CDT


Robber's Cave State Park

Photos / Sounds


Polyphemus Moth (Antheraea polyphemus)




October 20, 2018 01:14 PM CDT


Robber's Cave State Park

Found crawling around on the ground. Adorable!


Looks like a beautiful place to visit! Love the moth:)

Posted by itmndeborah almost 6 years ago

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