Batch Load Anger

I am angry and frustrated. Batch-loaded 42 observations/78 photos, completed identifications, project selections etc. and fell asleep during the hour-plus long photo upload -- then so did my computer. Woke, awakened my computer to find the message "saving ... 3 of 42 observations" and the screen frozen. All lost, have to start all over again.

Only way I can figure to prevent this is to alter the computer's sleep settings. That and reducing the quality of photographs to speed upload.

Posted on April 8, 2019 05:54 AM by thebark thebark


I'd be smashing things.
To avoid boiling over, maybe upload a smaller number of observations in each go?
I find that any image larger than 20 Mb is a roadblock; those are the only images whose file size i ever have to reduce

Posted by ellen5 over 5 years ago

I dialed back my camera's Image Quality to "normal." And told my computer to stay awake for 45 minutes. The early hour upload took near 2 hrs and I stayed awake to superintend. Most of my batches are under 50 photos.

Posted by thebark over 5 years ago

Sorry for your tribulations.
My own preference is to do one observation at a time so each gets my full attention. In order to retain the date and geolocation information from upload to upload, i use the deprecated upload form. Pretty sure I am not the only user still doing so.
Anyway, the way that you prefer to work, why not just prevent computer sleep altogether?

Posted by ellen5 over 5 years ago

Minor tribulation. Better today. Thanks. For me the game is movement, taking photos every 90 sec as I wander around, then doing an end of day fast core dump onto iNat. "Full attention" is so difficult for me that I wonder if I have AADD; gotten worse with age. Trump and I share some characteristics but not wealth or popularity.

One reason I batch load is so I can avoid the hassle of putting individual observations into projects.

Btw, the iNat cell phone app is fun to use on single observation uploads. Used it for the first time after the March 30 class at Palo Duro.

Posted by thebark over 5 years ago

Meh, some of us are obsessed with detail, others are big-picture people. Viva la difference!
Me, i count my beans monthly just to be sure.

Posted by ellen5 over 5 years ago

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