Grapevine biodiversity survey - THIS Friday! Short notice -- anyone want to come?

So, super short notice on this, but this Friday (24 May 2019), we're going to do a somewhat more rigorous flora and fauna survey of an area on the east side of Grapevine Lake - around 140 acres. It's basically across from Rockledge Park... We want to get some foundational knowledge of what's out there before any developments or management decisions are made.'56.1%22N+97%C2%B003'37.9%22W/@32.982237,-97.0627247,923m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d32.9822366!4d-97.0605365

It's a weekday, and we're planning on doing the survey all day and into the evening. We'll break it into a few different parts: a morning survey (like 9 to noon), an afternoon (like 1 – 4), and then we will do some mothing out there too (like 8 – 11ish).

Please let me know soonish if you're interested. It's going to focus a little more on making observations rather than the social parts of a bioblitz, so just FYI on that too. :)

Posted on May 20, 2019 09:55 PM by sambiology sambiology


Here's the message from Betsy from Grapevine:

The City of Grapevine Parks and Recreation Department invites you to participate in a biological survey of Rockledge Park near Grapevine Lake on May 24th. The park includes approximately 140 acres of undeveloped, natural habitat, a portion of which will be redeveloped for recreational use in the near future. In order to properly preserve and manage this habitat, it is critical that we have as much information as possible about the different species that live here. For this reason, we would greatly appreciate your help with this biological survey.

Please see the attached map of the area where we will be gathering data. All land belongs to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is leased to the City of Grapevine. Area A, outlined in blue (~30 acres), is park property that is currently undeveloped and will likely be developed for recreational use in the near future. Area B, outlined in orange (~110 acres), is park property that is designated as Corps Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) and may be developed for recreational use as well. Area C (~118 acres) is park property that is currently open to the public for recreational use and will be redeveloped. Our main priorities are Area A and B, but we would like data for Area C as well.

To sign up, please RSVP to Betsy Marsh at Thank you!

You can also just respond to this journal post if you want to come and what time you would like to come too. :)

Posted by sambiology over 5 years ago

@walkingstick2 @annikaml @bob777 @sehnature @denver @lisa281 @brentano @wlhwildlife @charley @kimberlietx @galactic_bug_man @wildcarrot @oddfitz @lovebirder @cameralenswrangler @jblinde @zinogre @itmndeborah @alchemist2000 @jaquiring @kathrynwells333 @cwd912nb @rick57 @daniel112 @naturenut @rangertreaty50 @kenttrulsson @amynature @catenatus @cgritz @jwn @agonzalez393 @tmurr1225 @lpenn @scincus @justjenny @postoak @tadamcochran @rozzychan @sara39 @joshmols @suz @mertmack1 @fratto @pynklynx @jsuplick @jbe_fleischman_fam @vadalton @hchuang @andyk @richtex45 @alusk @sahi2018 @frameworker247 @kb5won @apcorboy @robw @janlapine @miscelaineous @dhutch2018 @kimberlywalks @awilli1980 @mvillarreal @williamedwards @northcut1 @gwaithir @beckymn @geishen @christina2019 @brirosa @missmary @madisong @eflinchbaugh @salientia @amandajb35 @dodele @chanelhurd @schylerbrown @alysonemery @slee_ @cindylcobb5 @rehb @zeldalola @lalabd @wincal @birdbrain34 @kristikerr @gtonyjacobs @jtesson @mustardlypig @simmentalover @atassin @seancazier @jbolton @hpham @rmorgan @betsymarsh @jwg0101 @katelyn3 @mchlfx @frank-g @weilderinate @abigailmm @gardeneratlaw @justkate @eangler @vakapi @ann8 @melissa_duron @rmarusak @tsbasham @jilldevito @joshuamanning @amandapoland @sarahg @danimal @girlsmitty @marcie12h @taosit @mrbiology03 @aholdorf @outdooramy @jenniferkatestuart @hollywesberry @chantelcave @jennifermatthews @littlebitt_of_nature @jameschilders @taharms48 @earthpsalts @fiddleman @masako75218 @bret7 @taylorkirkland @eglarkspur @spteng @jeanhm @jrs22x @lc80series @naturemom @liveloverun @kimcadmus @lynde @amandalbs @dorothy12 @corynorris @sierrasquirrel @lulubelle @texaskingbird @avasco @rrichter @nicehell @zooga1961 @drawntoscales @nikki131 @daricrogers @hawkilitle @brendakayforest @laurastracke @ashtonturley @drtifflipsett @wnickid @tfandre @amymoonlady @dylapodiformes @karinsaucedo @wilddallas @dagmar

Posted by sambiology over 5 years ago

Not sure I'll be able to stay all day, but I'll be there.

Posted by kimberlietx over 5 years ago

I'll try to be there at 9am, traffic willing!

Posted by sehnature over 5 years ago

It all depends on my work schedule. I know I'll be able to make it for the mothing portion.

Posted by cosmiccat over 5 years ago

I'll be there at 9:00. I could be there earlier if it would help.

Posted by sahi2018 over 5 years ago

I'll be there! Not sure what time. I'm thinking maybe after rush hour dies down in the morning. Also, not totally sure I can make the mothing, but is there an electrical outlet? If so, I can bring my gear and leave it with someone if you want to use it.

Posted by tadamcochran over 5 years ago

I wish I could attend. Sorry, I already have plans. Thanks for letting me know, though.

Posted by suz over 5 years ago

Sure, why not?

Posted by tiwane over 5 years ago

I'll be there! All day from about 10 am.

Posted by annikaml over 5 years ago

Wish I could come, graduating then (yay!), but it sounds fun!

Posted by dylapodiformes over 5 years ago

I should be driving by then, so I'll come for as long as I can. " It's going to focus a little more on making observations rather than the social parts of a bioblitz"? Well, I guess I'll bring a camera then.

Posted by cameralenswrangler over 5 years ago

Can you post the map that shows Areas A, B, & C? Thanks.

Posted by cameralenswrangler over 5 years ago

I just happened to have this week off, so I'll try to be there around 9-10 am. Sounds fun! :)

Posted by daniel112 over 5 years ago

Thanks folks for the responses! Glad that several of yall can make it -- and of course, only stay as long as you'd like to.

Here is the polygon to be surveyed:

We'll have better maps at the location too (with the different Areas - A, B, C...). And we want to spread out some to get different observations/species.

We will meet at the intersection of Fairway Dr. and Pilot Point. Here's the google map:

That'll be sort of like "headquarters." Betsy and some of the grapevine folks will have maps and water. I'll bring a bunch of bug nets. Betsy and others will have some gear. There will be restrooms here too.

There's no electricity on site, so the mothing will be all portable... So, Adam, the 'sun in a bulb' will have to rest for this evening. ;)

Also, save my number in your phones: 817 771 8793 -- you can send me a text or whatever so I have your contact. :)

Posted by sambiology over 5 years ago

Grapevine Lake is about 16 feet over normal conservation pool- I don't know if that will have an impact on this or not?

Posted by jblinde over 5 years ago

Sam - I'll be there at 9, and plan to stay all day and into the night. It looks like we'll be looking at the area below the dam across Fairway from Rockledge Park. @jblinde the lake level shouldn't be a problem there. The problem will occur if the Corps decides to open the dam wide open.

Also note that Fairway Dr. is closed over the dam, so all approaches will have to be made from the north.

Posted by naturemom over 5 years ago

Can't attend, but will look forward to seeing what you guys can find!

Posted by rangertreaty50 over 5 years ago

Thanks for letting me know, Sam! Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend, but please, keep me in mind or future events. I know you all will do a great job! Happy Memorial Day:)

Posted by lovebirder over 5 years ago

I should be there that morning....

Posted by oddfitz over 5 years ago

Thanks for the invite! Sorry, but won't be able to attend - out of town visiting my mom.

Posted by vadalton over 5 years ago

Sam - Cliff and I will be there at 9, but will probably only be able to stay until noon or so. I will also send you a text so you will have my cell phone number. Other than our cameras (and bug spray, of course), is there anything we should bring?

Posted by alchemist2000 over 5 years ago

Sorry, can't make it, have several doctors appointments :(

Posted by rmorgan over 5 years ago

Sam!! I just bought my own binoculars and snake hook, so I’m in!!

Posted by madisong over 5 years ago

(I can come mid-morning to afternoon)

Posted by madisong over 5 years ago

Sorry, can't make it, have to move my stuff to my new apartment

Posted by zinogre over 5 years ago

I can make it after work, so I'll see you guys after 5pm. I'll bring my blacklight setup as well!

Posted by wildcarrot over 5 years ago

I would so fancy doing this, but I already have Friday plans.

Posted by kimberlywalks over 5 years ago

I don't have a portable light setup, but I can help with the moth shift.

Posted by melissa_duron over 5 years ago

@sambiology Are we still going to have access?

Posted by daniel112 over 5 years ago

I'll be there for the first shift at 9 a.m.

Posted by joshmols over 5 years ago

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give an update -- so happy that several folks are able to make it out there! The weather should be nice and hot and muggy... in other words, PERFECT for bugs and plants and stuff! :)

And of course, ONLY stay as long as you'd like to. No obligations to stay for any time longer than you'd like -- feel free to come and go.

The meeting place is a bit modified -- it's here:
It's essentially at the intersection of Fairway Drive and Long Prairie/Pilot Point.
You'll see my TPWD truck -- it'll be parked there the whole day/evening.

Even though the lake is up, we should still be able to manage the area, and we'll totally have access to the entire polygon (

Bring some extra water and whatever collecting gear you need/want. All of the data will be collected through iNat, so don't forget that camera/phone and some extra batteries! :)

Posted by sambiology over 5 years ago

I’ll try to come. Probably in the afternoon. Will someone be there at 1?

Posted by rozzychan over 5 years ago

I'll be there all day and all evening! I'll probably run to get lunch and dinner at noon and like 6, but all other times, I'll be there.

Posted by sambiology over 5 years ago

Bummed I can not make it - working at Polka festival & managing the farmers market this weekend.
Thanks for the invite!

Posted by missmary over 5 years ago

Got lots of good data. Good luck to the rest of you for the evening count.
And Hi Madison!

Posted by rozzychan over 5 years ago

Oh I wish I had seen this! I actually had the day off and would loved to had done it!

Posted by lulubelle over 5 years ago

If they decide to add another day, please post it! I will check here more frequently so I don't miss things!

Posted by lulubelle over 5 years ago

Does anyone know how I can pin this survey area so that I can put my observations inside it?

Posted by rozzychan over 5 years ago

Hey all,

So glad to see some folks at the survey yesterday! If you weren't able to make it, no worries -- there will be more!

If you did come, as you put in your observations, you don't have to do anything else -- just try to get the location somewhat accurate, and they'll automatically be added to the survey place:

If you're up for some identifying, here are the observations still needing some ID's or verification:

So important to realize that this data will add justification for keeping this area as natural as possible. This data's important! :)

Posted by sambiology over 5 years ago

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