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Side-by-side site-monitoring views (smvs) one year after start of site-based manual restoration

Site monitoring views made from a similar viewpoint over a period of time.
Many of these will also have a "Linked observation" Field at the right of the observation, linking the "Before" and "after" views directly.
Note that iNaturalist crops thumbnail images to a square, so the view may be partially hidden in the thumbnail. Opening each observation in a new browser tab allows simultaneous viewing of both whole images.

smv1: Arena

smv2: Tiptoe path through Apron, from Arena

smv3: Ti kouka - Lower Arena/CHF Bank

smv4: Lower Arena canopy margin

smv5: Apron kikuyu

smv6: Tiptoe path Apron to Arena

smv7: CHF Bank

smv8: Wide view of CHF-Arena Kikuyu Margin

Posted on July 12, 2019 08:26 PM by kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch


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