A Flock of Vultures

Along my walk, I arrived at a beautiful spot overlooking the city of Ithaca, located just above a cascading waterfall. As I was observing the scenery, I noticed a few large birds circling the area. Two swooping birds turned into three, four, five, six! They flew so close, I was amazed they never ran into one another. I was intrigued by the fact that the area was not that large, yet there were six birds flying in close proximity. As they flew closer, I identified them as turkey vultures.
After some research, I found out that turkey vultures are quite social. They often fly in flocks when searching for food. I also found out that in addition to mammals, turkey vultures also eat reptiles, other birds, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates. They have pretty amazing immune systems!

Posted on May 11, 2020 07:27 PM by juliacohen5 juliacohen5


Beautiful!! I absolutely love waterfalls. Turkey vultures are fascinating creatures and there are many fascinating facts. I am sorry if the fact I am going to share will disgust you but turkey vultures will poop on their legs to sanitize them and to cool themselves down.

Posted by jobird over 4 years ago

I love vultures, they're so fascinating! I'm so glad you got to appreciate them and learn a little more about them :).

Posted by danivaill over 4 years ago

@jobird Thanks for sharing! They are so interesting. I also learned they vomit when threatened to lighten their bodyweight for flight. Maybe disgusting to humans but their adaptations are fascinating.

Posted by juliacohen5 over 4 years ago

@juliacohen5 Yes they really are fascinating!! That is so cool! Thanks for telling me.

Posted by jobird over 4 years ago

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